Last night i had 20k attack power and was unstoppable i was killing crowds with poision and thorns in torment 3 fast . i get on this evening and everything is killing me. Poison from one of the bosses killed me with full health and full barrier in a hit. Not even showing me poisioned. Then regular head hunts are killing me. I probably died 6 times in a head hunt and 40 times in the boss. My wife and i play and her stuff is no where as good as my stats and she is surviving everthing. Her poison resistance is .7 more than mine and armor and health are like 3k lower than mine. Anyone have ideas. And no. Nothing eats my health on my Armor. I gain barrier like every 3 seconds.
Did it get shadow nerfed overnight? No. Check your tier if you have grouped lately. Recheck all your aspects if you rely a lot on defensive apsects and recently changed gear. Verify you have correct runes slotted.