There are some major problems with no reason around to this day.
Zero dmg outside of cc windows. Kill them during the first few seconds of cc or run around for 2min kiting
Zero defense. Like no armor at all, resistances are wasted. Oneshot from any arrow flying across the screen. Not possible to build more defense.
Almost every single unique or legendary aspect comes with some negative trade off. Why? Can’t our spells just pierce, fireballs jump, lightning stuff pierce without giving major downgrades ?
Feels like they balanced the sorc to be viable at first beta weekend with max lvl 25
Please share a video of this alleged damage. Thank you.
I love how you say alleged damage, as if these things were so improbable that there was a higher probability that I was lying. There are Barbs hitting for 1.8 billions damage without exploit/glitch and here we have people questionning whether my mere “up to” 4.5M per tick is legit or not. I was surprised myself to see how high things went past NM75. It surely wasn’t hitting like that in my NM69 and lower tries.
Glad to know that I’m doing something exceptionnal though.
I’m out of town for the weekend and I’ll have to figure things out as to how to record my playthrough, but I may come up with something at one point next week.
If you want something faster, you might ask the other players in that NM100 hydra burning clear thread. A few players did it already, some with way higher damage than I do (which I don’t find too hard to believe considering how multipliers work in the game and how they have at least a 120% multiplier over what I have).
Sure! its a Tier 93, been having a heck of a time getting higher tier sigils. I cleared out most of the room beforehand so you could see the ticks:
I don’t think any of the prominent devs play sorc. If they played it, the class wouldn’t have released half baked like it is.
Okay, so it isn’t just Hydra that’s triggering the massive burn ticks. It’s a combination of Flame Shield, Hydra x2, Firewalls and Frost Nova triggering Vulnerable to do so. Are you also applying the enhancement to chill? Oh, and thank you for posting
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Ive only heard of barbarian necro and druid but nothing for sorcerer T_T
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I’d love to know any blizz dev what build they’re running on their sorc and what gear they have and how long they actually played the class for.
I bet the real responses from them would be absurdly under-cooked.
I mean is any blizz dev running hydra at end-game lmfao? “play your way!”
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It’s not that I didn’t believe you. I wanted to see what was happening for myself as I am only level 83 and wondering what was causing such large leaps in damage for the burning in general as it appears to be broken from all the testing I had done.
I’m sure you’re aware of the issues with Firewall etc. It’s just helpful to see first hand.
Sorc in general feels like an alpha test. Maybe in s1 we’ll get to beta test the class and get another 5% buff to some unused ability or irrelevant stat (looks at the tiny blizzard’s damage over time buff from one of the recent patches…)
Wrong question. Here’s a better one:
Did any blizzard employee play in WT3+?
I mean tbh 80+ doesn’t really matter.
Sure you might want to build something that can clear 100 just to get the achievement but otherwise theres not really a reason to go that high.
Sorc in general feels awful tho theres basically no diversity, every build has to take every defensive skill which makes for extremely boring gameplay. There’s just no variety. It’s all Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, and then an ultimate and a core and thats every sorc build.
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Yeah, that’s about that for me too, but without flame shield as I use it as a defensive tool more than anything.
As CC is relatively frequent, you always have increased damage against CC, except against bosses. In my case, that’s a minimum of x2 damage right here as soon as mobs are chilled.
To achieve that, I have the frostbolt enchant so that Hydras can chill all the time. I don’t know about other players though, but Frost Nova for vulnerability and frozen is quite mandatory to do any high damage against elites. It’s not that you cannot kill anything without, but it makes things easiers as it gives a x5/x6 burst depending on your gear/paragon glyphs. With the usual builds, it requires to dive bomb in a room and hope to stack everyone in your Frost Nova and kill them before they can shoot. With mine, I can stay away except against very fast mobs or elites. It’s not exactly fun to hide, but it gets things done past NM75.
I wasn’t able to make a pure Fire/Burning work as damage from vulnerability is so high that it warrants the use of Frost Nova in almost any builds past early WT4, but I can manage to kill elites and trash without: it just takes more time and when you’re getting pushed back in your dungeon, killing faster is the only way to prevent getting caught between the entry door and the mobs and ultimately dying (as, lets face it, we die from one ranged hit from a non burning or non chilled white mob, sometimes two if we’re lucky. Some attacks even hurt so much that you die in one hit even if chilled and burning).
Agreed, 80+ is just a place to test your patience and your build.
But why arbitrarily set the cutoff there? Anything above tier 46 is actually irrelevant apart from higher glyph XP and sacred/ancestral items ratio. If we set this new goalpost to equal-level content, you don’t actually have to run 4 defensives anymore. Then you have tons of build variety for sorcerers.
I’m playing devil’s advocate here, as I do think sorcerer is an unfinished class that needs tweaks, but only one of these is true:
- High tier NM matters and sorcerers need to run 3-4 defensives to be viable
- High tier NM doesn’t matter and you can play any build you’d like for equal-level content
doubt it, if they did sorc wouldn’t be soo dog poo in every aspect. just the armor/resist issue u dont need to be at lvl 100 to found out. by lvl 50 ish, most sorc will start getting one shot by mob in nm dungeon. even with perfect gear by lvl 60 u get one shot soo often its not really hard to notice. I doubt their tester test the game for the sorc past lvl 30 nm dungeon. that how they come up with stupid nerf such as the axing hydra, for no reason lol.
Glass cannon sorcerer (i.e. without any defensive aspect or roll on gear) will get one shot at lvl 60.
Honestly, I may have died once at lvl 40 running the the Nightmare capstone dungeon without any defensive aspect or gear. That was dumb and on me. Next time I died with my Sorc was around lvl 75 in helltides, in a solo event against freezing/stunlocking monsters and that’s because I got cocky. I should have given up the event once things turned sour. Then I maybe died another time at lvl 85 running dungeons with my brother while they selected a dungeon where my damage output was more than halved. As I was carrying the group, that wasn’t a good idea. All and all, I died maybe 5 or 6 times between lvl 1 and lvl 100. Then, I started dying A LOT pushing NM100 (and I’ll die again), but I guess that’s not too surprising.
Things are relatively fine until higher NM dungeons IMO where Sorc get killled super easily.
Things are only relatively fine until you experience literally any other class, the lack of armor/DR compared to other classes is just too great and the lack of damage is just an insult.
While the idea of applying cc and then exploding the mobs is cool the class feels like it needs to fly to get to where a druid rolls out of bed.
And I’m sure working resistances and our third enchantment slot back would help, why don’t we have that back yet ?
Is it possible to get fireball in this hydra oriented build? The 10% dmg fireball adds from those dots sound kinda fun
Good question. I never tried as I found Fireball to not be my cup of tea early on (I play with a controller, so targeting is sometimes really weird with its priorities).
Don’t quote me on that, but some people think that the increase to Fireball’s damage from burning only applies to the burning stacks on your current target only (even if it’s not written like that). Last I tried, my burning damage wasn’t high enough for me to notice a difference in damage.
Even if it wasn’t the case, it’s relatively easy to get a target to 4M+ burn in a NM75+ map, but it seems remotely impossible to do that much to a pack and that damage would be split. If that’s a total burn ramp-up from two hydras, and if Fireball hits for 10% of the remaining burning damage, that would mean like an average of maybe 32M over 8 seconds (and more if the damage is constant), so Fireballs would hit for over 3M at one point, so it shouldn’t be too hard to test.
I may test it after I reach NM100. I’m stuck at NM99 because I cannot find a map without invisible assassins or ghost archers that appear behind you or shoot from another room.
The head dev is a sorc main, i know of a few others through industry knowledge/private discords.