Diablo IV Patch Notes

Diablo IV Patch Notes

We will continually update this article with all patches the development team implements for Diablo IV.

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Just posting here to state what we’ve been stating for so long now. We. Want. True. End-game.


Surprising number of nerfs hidden in here. Most are small, but will definitely impact some builds. Not sure many were actually needed.


Which would be what considering many people on this forum do not even agree on what “end game” is.


I finally understand why Raxx dropped d4 for PoE2. He obviously got inside info that no endgame progress content will be added this expansion and this campfire pretty much proved it.

If you like the way the game is currently where u just wanna let off some steam or game where u can watch a movie while clearing content on t4 without looking then its the right game for you.

A game where your eternal realm chars will never have value because there is no meaningful endgame and everything is just centered around a season theme, then this game is for you.

A game where farming hours for gear upgrades but you already smashing through the hardest content, then this game is for you.


I’d take anything honestly. Pinnacle bosses, chase items, chase cosmetics, new dungeons. I’m at a loss at this point, maybe D4 just isn’t for me anymore, and that’s OK I suppose.


Useless season with same power creep with no end game


Ice Nova and Ice Shard are a nice start to bringing some old builds back, but sorc still needs stronger single target damage. If you don’t want to just increase the baseline, make something fun, idk.

“Sorcerous echo: Any skill hit that deals damage to only one enemy deals x [ 50% ] damage to that enemy a second later” idk that way my pass through shards are just reggy on most content but shred bosses

Sorc sucks like i was thinking this buffs are a joke and the nerfs for firebolt enchanment was like a spit to our face , good luck with this sh*t season im going back to poe 2 , here is nothing worth to sacrifice my time


Its sad my man. Its really sad.

Wasnt going to play PoE2 until full release but i will go for early access after there next reset.

On a positive note D3 has a brilliant season coming up, starting next week Friday. I miss pushing greater rifts higher tiers as I upgrade my gear and climb the leaderboards.

i think in terms of end game, they want to play poe2

As always I will play the patch before I make harsh criticisms…but I will say it’s sad to see another set of patch notes with minimal work put into druids. Any attention put into the class for the patch is focused on wolf play, the other flavors would like some love!

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Recycling of S1 And S2 ,So ONLY new Is armory ,but they said that ,we Will improve this in Future ,So 4 months they doing armory And they know that IT Is not completed or i dont know

Magical content that makes the one game Andy’s play for ever and ever and never gets old or stale.

Hope that clears it up.

Edit: as expected the misery merchants immediately rushed in to fill the thread with their bile.


Hey now, they at least made the last tier of the
Season Journey T4 to piss off the casuals who wanted the pet.

People want to be transported back in time when they were snot-nosed nerds gushing over each other’s character sheets and playing online after a bad day at school.

Which you can theoretically still do today but the police don’t seem to like that.

Blizzard can’t do anything about nostalgia. They could make an attempt at either trying for a more social experience or doubling down on a casual solo but like Overwatch they are trying to have their cake and eat it too.

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In one of the upcoming seasons, I would like to see some build depth - something akin to what LE does but far less than PoE.

Piss off the casuals…

It’s a bold strategy Cotton…etc etc…


Season 2 hype! Wooooo

Whole new expansion and over a year later and we’re back revisiting square 1! Hype!

To true! Will it ever happen?