Diablo IV is symbolic of what happens when developers have no direction for their game

Yea it was supposed to be extremely difficult, but I don’t think they got much done. The second team argued over a Battle mode that I swear became Mercenaries mode in Hearthstone lol

Yea for another $70 bucks They can sod off if they need another expansion just to catch up a little.

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I mean, if you’re so smart and are able to identify Diablo IV’s direction, then by all means, enlighten us. I would certainly love to know what it is that Diablo has in terms of direction, because all I see are half-baked attempts at incorporating seasonal mechanics that are then backtracked and made close to irrelevant because nobody likes them.

I didn’t even bring up Last Epoch, but if you want to talk about the elephant in the room:

Last Epoch is a much lower profile game. It doesn’t have the marketing spin Diablo does nor the legacy. Moreover, it doesn’t have the resources at its disposal that Diablo does, yet it’s a far superior game in terms of what the ARPG is designed to achieve. It is a completely fair comparison to make in terms of highlighting everything Diablo IV gets wrong in spite of it having Activision, a mammoth publisher in the industry, fully backing it.

D3 made incredible headway in sales and then its momentum died almost instantly because the game greatly suffered due to underbaked mechanics and systems as well as anemic rewards that were gutted thanks to the RMAH. RoS made it a better game, but not even Blizzard was capable of recognizing that game as a success. If it was the future, Blizzard wouldn’t have abandoned it to make Diablo IV.

You’re being so unbelievably dramatic, it’s bordering humorous. I’ve gone on record saying that I like Diablo IV. I still like Diablo IV for what it is and I’ll probably play it for the foreseeable future, but I can’t deny that it’s struggling. Diablo IV going in a “different direction,” if you can even call it that, doesn’t scare me because, at the end of the day, I have several other games I can play instead. I’m only voicing my concern because I like the game and would like to see it live on for many years rather than being abandoned three years in for Diablo V.

I never asked for the leveling speed to increase. I still think that was a bad decision post-season 2 and even said as such in a thread I made. Moreover, AoZ is a bad example because, while challenging, it was challenging for all the wrong reasons. It was overtuned and didn’t provide a lot of incentive to complete.

Above all, don’t you think this is emblematic of Blizzard having no direction? All they do is cater to player demands rather than zeroing in on a goal and working towards that goal, even when those demands are stupid, such as in the case of leveling. They’re floundering around and basically giving the community whatever it is they want, which does make the game worse in the long-term.

I think, if Blizzard had a goal, they wouldn’t be so quick to waver. They would have an outlined design philosophy and would push back when the player base demands something a bit outrageous. They don’t, because they have no idea what they want out of the game. They just give us whatever we want in the hopes it’ll appease our discontent.

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Yea when the developers come into a chat designed to hype up the game, but look miserable when doing so…… it’s not a good look

That very much seems to be OPs point too.
Blizzard is acting like a weather vane. No direction.


symptomatic not symbiotic :stuck_out_tongue:

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360h in, uninstalled the game. Im done for now. Maybe S4 will be great, but im just waiting for PoE2 at this point. I was quite excited for expansions, but that just seems like a waste of money.

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hmm… I was waiting for poe2 long time ago but then I realized that I might not even be able to participate in the beta if it costs hundreds of euros. I mean I want to support good games, but my budget is somewhere around 20€. I could buy 1 premium quality brake pad for my car with that kind moneys.

The impression we have is that they are lost. We don’t know what to do. They are afraid of nerfs. But there are nerfs that are necessary. The PTR is proof that it wants more refined feedback. The problem is that we have no idea what they will do it in season 4. I think it’s past time for them to say what they intend.

I don’t really envy them.

They’re corporate, so they’ll have a hard time making an individual push for change even near the top, and at the top, they’ll be trying to appease their shareholders, who will probably be directing changes to appease the playerbase.

The playerbase that clearly wants at least 2 different games, each one incompatible with each other in philosophy lol.

It’s going to be hard to make anyone happy that way, if they can’t figure out ways to effectively split the play experience up and make different player groups happy, they’re going to have to choose one to focus on eventually.

Many ideals they had didn’t work. I believe the end of the game would be Level 100. But they saw that diablo players want more, always more. And it’s not new content every season. The large player base wants a real challenge. We need to add power after 100, and for that you need items. But none of that was thought of. They made a game thinking that every 3 months the community would come back to play with the powers of the season again, but that’s not what we want.

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idk for me main problem with D4 - they took 0 risks.

Even when D3 was released they build a completly different game, yeah a lot of decisions were questionable and bad, still it was new.

There is nothing new in D4.

As a result, when promoting the game, they promised a lot of new things, it seemed to many that they had learned the lessons of d3, but no, we still have d3 ressurected, only it came out even worse because at least d3 RoS had a target audience and an understanding of what their clicker should look like.

In d4, we have lazy programming with 0 risks, an absolutely rotten game that resembles d3 too much, but at the same time, in attempts to appeal to different audiences, even the few good elementary things from d3 failed.

And in my opinion, it is no longer possible to get anything other than d3 out of this game due to lazy programming. But then they should have said right away that it would be d3 ressurected, and not fed with promises.

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What vision? Money, money, money. Game stutters and lags. We should wait for a complete edition.

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From what I see from D4 is that it launched as a hybrid of D2 and D3, with that being their direction, but it ended up pitting two camps against each other, and it appears they must’ve decided the D3 camp was the largest and better chance at longevity for the game, so they pivoted to making the game more like D3 and less like D2. It basically started with the nerf to leveling speed and has gone from there with (from what I’ve read on the forums) such things as sets, pets, wings, etc.

I strongly believe that S2 was accidentally good. They gave us ’too much’ and we actually had fun. They’ve wound it back now to the original vision of a crushingly boring grind. S4 is the last chance for me. If it’s not at least as good as S2 I’m uninstalling and not coming back.

nah it just way more simple.

D4 was build on D3 mechanics, you can’t appeal to D2 camp with D3 mechanics.

In fact, you can’t make d3 into d2 and vice versa, these are completely different games.

Actually, that’s why I wrote about lazy programming, because d4 was based on the d3 code and engine, on which you can’t build anything other than d3.

You will not be able to do a good and interesting itemization, because the mechanics of d3 and other things will not allow.

They initially lied, this game never tried to make something really new or at least try to take something good from the old parts, they just redesigned d3 with new models, new names, etc. things.

This will continue to happen because it will simply be unrealistic to build something else from this, why do they keep pretending that this will be another game - I have no answer to this, because it’s high time to say that let’s at least try to make d3 with improved graphics, it would be at least honest towards everyone.

They didnt open a PTR because they knew what they were doing.

They opened it because they are desperate for input.

I not sure who put a bigger half baked game out in 2023…Diablo 4 or Starfield.

They definitely did have a direction for the game tho…Battlepass with Cosmetics shop.

Their passion is money and it shows.

Even from a casuals perspective i completely agree. Both that the only thing they seem consistent on is the live service, and also they seem quite good at taking player feedback.

The majority of what’s conveyed however is directionless, the entire project seems at best a platform to implement corporate checkboxes with anything qualitative being secondary. Maybe some manhour allocations as part of the service operation to offset risk of player abandonment.

At least in the last livestream, the devs seem less flippant so they’re probably getting drilled about the player numbers. Its less than 5k on steam. Hopefully they’ll have one chance to… at least pretend as best they can to be old blizzard… before it turns into a repeat of d3 (ie, they release a successful expansion but get cancelled anyway because no players are left).

I enjoyed D3. I also enjoyed D1 and D2. As has been mentioned, i’m playing D4 my own way and most the time having fun

Speaking of vision/direction in games, damn, upcoming A-RPG ‘No Rest for the Wicked’ had its big gameplay reveal today. They are definitely saying some of the right things.
Such as describing how the pacing of these games went in the wrong direction after D1 and D2.
Or them talking against the false premise (also often repeated on this forum) that casual players don’t want difficult or complex games.

Kinda hard to imagine they can pull it off though.
Could be a breath of fresh air for the genre. As good as other recent A-RPGs have been, their combat is still very much the same kind of stuff as in D3, D4 and PoE. Sadly.