Diablo IV has run out of memory

Manually set it to 20+ GB will prevent all the crashes.

Pagefile is only relevant if the Vram is used up. If 18.6 GB between 12GB Vram and 6.6GB Pagefile isn’t enough then setting the Pagefile higher isn’t the solution, it’s a workaround. I’m not saying I won’t try it for the sake of stability but these issues need to be discussed here so that the devs realize and admit there is a problem, and invest the time and effort to identify the problem so they can resolve it. If we don’t talk about it they will continue to focus on copy/paste content because it’s lazy and easy.

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Maybe you were in a populated area and loaded to many peoples inventory. :rofl:

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ofc, I think its ridiculous players have to manually intervene paging file settings. It’s a band aid not a solution. Blizzard needs to work on a solution for these memory issues.


Sorry but I run an IT department and if there was a “Horrid and Proven Memory leak” it would be effecting everyone and it is not. Blizzards software is a controlled variable; everyone who plays D4 is using it. What is an uncontrolled variable is hardware and the drivers which is beyond Blizzard’s control and responsibility. If you are experiencing a memory leak it must be from your hardware’s drivers or software that is running in the background that is causing a conflict.

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You don’t run an IT department.


Just started getting this error today, never crashed and been playing since beta. tried everything, fresh install. Very dissapointing paying 100 for a game and then blizzard breaks it. Seriously never giving another dime to this joke of a company

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Lol struggling to read again heh kiddo??

He clearly mentioned he has done all troubleshooting and tests before pointing fingers at blizzard for their incompetence.

Thanks again for proving you are unable to read and have a discussion lol… You must be proud of your post count though lmao…

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I never checked back in on you, did the change of the background fps help?
There was another thread where it did help out that person also, and clearly it worked for me, I just don’t have enough data to declare that as a solution for all. :stuck_out_tongue:

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In my case yes, it has made things more stable. I didn’t go as low as you mentioned but I cut the background fps in half (120fps) and I haven’t had any system crashes since. I do occasionally still get a random game crash if it’s in background mode for too long. Perhaps going lower would help even more but I’ll live with it for now.

Edit: On another note after reaching out to Blizzard and providing them with some screenshots with an overlay of my system resource usage and temps, they very confidently told me that my 12700k running at 50c while playing their game at High settings and 240fps is “overheating my cpu”. My gpu runs even lower. Around 45-47c even after long gaming sessions.

Just in case we wanted to further discuss whether or not they are indeed incompetent.


Trust me making it 8 has no noticeable impact.
But good to know your issues are gone.

I have had this happen exactly once. And it turned out the Firefox was still running in the background and had consumed most of my memory.

Just an FYI. Sometimes it runs out of memory, but not because game is bad. But because user is bad.

Maybe not everyone, but its far more likely to be a problem with the machine, its setup, its usage, the network its hooked to, how the user maintains it, what software they stick on it. FAR more likely than it always being Blizzard/Server problems.

Just saying.

Game on.

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I monitor my system resources at all times using overlays. I have 32 GB system ram and usually never see it go over 16GB usage even while doing a lot in Chrome. When the game starts leaking memory you can tell, because the VRAM usage starts going from only 8GB to 10GB to 12GB then the system ram starts going up because it’s using up the pagefile. The longer this goes on the more the auto-pagefile increases to compensate until it finally crashes (BSOD) your system due to lack of system memory to run the OS. The issue starts with the game. I’ve already tested and confirmed this. It does not happen every gaming session. I have not narrowed down what causes the game to suddenly start increasing in VRAM/System RAM usage, but it is definitely the game.

Well, must be an issue with something conflicting on your system. Mine does not do this. Even after hours of playing.

But I’m running a 3070 Ti, on a driver from the end of May last year. I also have the swap file disabled, on a 32GB memory system, with an 12900k. Windows 11. Playing on a 1440p monitor on full Ultra at 100FPS without any issues. Also running a fast SSD and decent DDR5 memory. (Full system breakdown can be found here: -Full breakdown of a system that plays Diablo IV without problems: )

As I said. The only time I have had this happen, was when my browser ate up the available memory, and since I don’t run a swap file, it ran out of memory and crashed.

Nominally, my system consumes about 6.5GB of the available 8GB of the card, and around 7-8GB of the system memory. It can fluctuate 1 or 2GB from that, but it will stay in those number ranges for hours. It does not eat up more memory, or “leak”.

Its more likely to be an issue with different drivers, different hardware, different settings, which are setting you up for potential issues and causing this to happen. Sure, it could be a coding problem, but one that only presents under certain conditions.


Just because you do not have the issue does not mean the issue doesn’t exist. Stop trying to blame my system/configuration. That has been exhausted to death through testing and is not the issue.

And just because I don’t have the issue, doesn’t mean it exists either.

Lets face it.

If the problem was a 100% certainty, everyone would have the issue.

I still think the later drivers combined with other factors are a primary reason why people are having issues. But that’s me.

Wrong. Different systems/configurations can EXPOSE an issue because not everyone has the same exact system/configuration. It doesn’t always mean the system or configuration is the issue.

Edit: You don’t want to help you just want to be argumentative.

Maybe not. But again, here we are. Yours is goofing up, mine runs like a rock.

Not sure why, but that was one of the reasons I posted my build setup a few months ago.

I have been helping people on these forums for months, since release. And you know what I have learned over all that time?

Most of the time it gets resolved with either the player finding an issue on their end, an update to either their system, their hardware, or whatever, or a game update helps their problem.

So the good news is, that eventually your issue may get resolved, one way or another. :smiley:

I’m not the only person posting with these issues. You seem more focused on you not having any issues, talking about how great your build is, and how rock solid it is.

I’m not here to have a setup contest with you. There is nothing wrong with my setup. I have ran every test, stress test, and form of troubleshooting I can. I even brought my pc in to my local Micro Center to have them test everything as well.

You are not here to be helpful. You are here to say “your setup is the problem, the game can’t be the problem”. But you’re wrong. As I already stated, differences in system configurations can expose problems just as much as they can cause them. By process of elimination, and having every test possible ran, the likelihood in this case is that my setup, and those with similar setups, are EXPOSING an issue within the game. This is what you’re not getting, nor do I wish to keep discussing it with you. Because again, you are not trying to be helpful, at all. You’re trying to be difficult.


Well, I appreciate your opinion! Apparently we simply disagree. Well, good luck, hopefully you or someone or Blizzard fixes your issue. :smiley:

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