Diablo Four? More like Diablo Bore

Anyone else log into play the game and realize that even if you grind for 3 hours you won’t get anything that’s gonna improve your character and it just ends up feeling like a waste of time?

It sucks cause I’m forcing myself to play cause I love diablo and I love arpgs but this game is just missing it’s soul. It feels so generic. I was having fun when I first started but the more I play the more I feel bummed out like the game doesn’t respect my time whatsoever. I could play this game for 24 hours non stop and I bet I wouldn’t feel any power improvements to my character and enemies would still feel just as strong. I don’t even know why I’m grinding for gear and loot in this game. It doesn’t matter I’m just playing to do side quests at this point and listen to little npc stories cause I honestly don’t care about the gear anymore, it seems im farming for cosmetics more than anything at least I see a CHANGE with cosmetics cause the gear grind sure as hell doesn’t feel like it’s making a difference


Play to 80 than either make a new char to explore a new build or wait for season 1.


Wow amazing gameplay, wait a few weeks after the game just released to enjoy the game. Innovative!


Getting to 80+ is plenty of content and well worth the price of admission. You seem to blame the game for your own lack of self control.


Chlorophyll?! More like boreaphyll!


What self control? I’m talking about a video game not alcohol


I am glad you are okay with 18$ funnel cakes. :clown_face:


Yeah I can’t do more than 4-5 NM dungs without passing out. Game is absolutely terrible. Worst “modern” ARPG on the market.


I bet you arent glad about much in life :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree diablo 4 is a letdown!


You’re right :slight_smile: please keep replying to me until you get it all out and feel validated :slight_smile: I don’t mind being your punching bag for your dopamine search

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That reply wasn’t to you champ. Learn to read the interface.

Yeah I mean there’s literally nothing that could drop that is interesting besides a shako which is effectively not really in the game anyway. The uniques are very conservative and boring. The affixes are conservative and boring. I can’t farm for an alt because I don’t have any room and smart loot isn’t a toggle. Respecing is an insane hassle… So much so that I just rerolled another sorc to try blizzard ice spikes.

I don’t know what I would be logging in to hopefully see drop.


Anymore left?

Champ is cute. Wanna call me buddy too? Assert your alpha dominance online? Keep going! :slight_smile: until it’s all out , like I said I don’t mind


Sounds like Baal, Pindle, Mephisto, Baal, Pit, Countess, and numerous other areas you farm over and over for hundred of hours just hoping for a drop.

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World bosses and gathering legion events should happen more often. As well as more things like them. If the whole map was like a hell tide but with exciting events happening constantly like Sanctuary was a constant war zone.

Opening map just to see whisper things for the most part gets a bit dull.


Overall, I want to play, but at a level 90 sorc. I have searched for 3 aspects for 20 levels. I have to regrind glphys. Testing builds is a very time consuming task, forcing players to just copy builds, instead of having fun. As it’s not fun to be copy other players, but it’s better than spending 30 hours to grind out test builds. and… Gems suck.

Additional thoughts below:

Although I love the hidden complexity, but it’s the illusion of options, as glphys, gems, skill points, stat points, etc all contain many useless chooses. These are all things you realize way later, causing you to grind and regrind to figure it out, while exploring the same content.

Many abilities just have awkward mechanics. ie. Frozen orb I am basically off screen casting it. Or incinerate, I am holding it down just rotating my character.

Why do I have an option for 12 life on kill for my gem? Where is the creative innovation in gems since D2? Same system. Let me combine 2 or 3 gems and create cool new gem types.

Most Glphys are awful, but you don’t realize it until the end, when some scale way differently and rare nodes require crazy high attribute points that make it stupid for me to not pick dex and will glphys on my int based sorc. Why even have magic glphys if rares are better?

Lastly, why are there so many intense visuals in games these days, tone it down so I can see what is going on. In events it’s like kill all of x person, I can’t tell who is who. Or it’s like dodge the volcano, I can’t even see it. It’s just a visual mess.


They could flesh out endgame better but thats been hit on a million times already. Ive been taking lots of breaks since 85 or so, but i still feel like im getting large power spikes through paragon. The xp grind is just super played out by 95. I think theyll add more to do just give em a minute. Reroll if youre bored or take a break.


I’m sure you could manage 1 glyph rank in 3 hours.

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Just give them a minute? No. They’ve had since 1996 to get this figured out. I’m tired of all the excuses people are giving for blizzard. The game is new yes but this isn’t their first Diablo or arpg. This should be an improvement over the rest of the series