Diablo devs playing Diablo 4 explains the state of the game

I don’t know what you’re on about. I run my own business from home and I easily put in over 85 hours a week.

That would have elliminated the entire purpose of it. What do you would want to have? Competent players rushing through the dungeon in 2 minutes and booom video done?
Ever wonder why the just walk around sometimes without specific aim?

Yes these 2 look like the typical “diversity manager hirelings” who are festering every company. But that’s not the point here.

Yes, and if they don’t, they should be replaced with those that do. Music created without passion is garbage.

I don’t think this is necessarily a fair assessment. Remember that everyone who has stayed at blizzard through warcraft 3 reforged to kerri moynihan to the cosby suite to Diablo Immortal to Diablo* 4: Diablo Not Included, has stayed there because no one else in the industry will hire them.

These are the remnants. The person who worked for a person who worked for a legend. The legends are gone. The first tier of merited managers is gone. These are the bottom of the barrel, $45k per year starting salary devs, and among them, blizzard decided that this pair was the most qualified and camera ready.

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how about quoting the entire argument, instead of cherry picking one sentence. It wouldn’t have eliminated the entire purpose of it, and it wouldn’t have made these devs a target.

I replied to what you said. That’s not cherry picking. If you have an issue with that, then formulate more clearly.

out of context you dishonest trash

Aha and the true self emerged quiet quickly. Thank you for showing everyone here why it is not worth to even start an argument with you. :wink: Now i can go on with my day in peace.

I see they already disabled comments under this disaster video.

Impossible to keep people interested while offering a fun experience for all involved, i just dont understand why now days its about racing through content and feeding on dribbletube builds. What has happened to gaming for fun and enjoying the struggle with your friends, having a cross platform play/voice and arguably the best 2 player couch coop experience in this genre. Ive enjoyed taking my time vs rushing through content that has taken years to develop, just seems silly to me but then again my barb is a stuggler but I find it so much fun either way. Ive enjoyed trying all sorts of skills and builds out, admittedly Ive watched a vid or two myself but purely to try and understand the mechanics and synergies from skills / items etc. Who remembers Diablo 1 & 2 before all of these ‘leet build’ sites destroyed creativity, the conversations had between friends and the sense adventure when you had no idea what old peg leg (Wirt) drop was for. I just think we need to be realistic here, yes the game isnt perfect but it will never be if we constantly play for the wrong reasons. I admire the devs playing and getting owned with a colleague, it looked fun and challenging as opposed to clearing uber Lilith with 1 crit… Then again its probably just me that feels this way lol :slight_smile:

That video was super cringe. It explains why d4 is the way it is.

That’s because the devs don’t do their own gameplay. That’s what ptr is for…lol. They rely on US to make the game better? They don’t even listen to us when we make valid points or suggestions. If you aren’t familiar with your own airplane then why the hell should we care if the damn things fly or not?

Diablo 4 doesn’t have a PTR.

it should have had one. I thought that was what the 30+ days were for before season 1 started, but alas, that was Naive of me.

going with, their identity and gender is all that matters to blizzard.

It clearly wasnt about the game and more about their “diverse” employees. It should have been about the game. Everyone came for the game. Its like telling your fans big diablo news then announcing a phone game.

Yeah everyone noticed the people making this game have minimal understanding of the game. I mean she didnt even use any skills…do they know there are skills? Not a good idea to show that when your games not doing well.

Totally agreed.
And when one of them asked “so how did you get into game development?” I cringed hard, because it was so forced and unnecessary - that kinda proves the whole diversity hire point imho.

They could’ve had a clear win: have two or 3 or 4 developers play something like lvl 50 NMD, while you have a different small team commentating (if they want to do the whole dungeon design angle).

But that would actually require work and planning, which they clearly suck at.

Examples of not really thought out systems that I’ve noticed:

  • kneejerk reactions with patches that break seasonal content
  • nerfing and buffing seemingly “on a whim”
  • economy broken (example: you should be able to pick up like 10x the amount of gold, so that selling items would not be such a mandatory thing to earn money; enchanting costs - no one tested those it seems)
  • level scaling “fix” made new seasonal tunnels totally irrelevant (along with the overworld)
  • no point in mentioning the supremely annoying and slow mount
  • visually the skill tree is a mess
  • the whole aspect system
  • loot and damage system especially

And so on, all these are clear problems they must be aware of, but of course zero info on what and when they actually do anything about them.

Have you ever made a campfire and it’s warm and cosy. Everyone is sitting around it. Good stuff, good vibes.

What happened here is they made a campfire and threw a bottle full of kerosene. (aviation fuel) Trust me that thing burns a lot, and hard to put off.

Overall, pretty bad move. I don’t know how many times they have to show how disconnected they are. We know they are far away from the gaming scene since 2009, if not earlier. No need to rub it off every time they release a game.

Wait…What? You mean the current game ISN’T PTR? Sure feels like it because it’s sh$te.

And we’re you ever chosen by the producers to show up in a vid talking about your development part while playing the game? No. Why not? Because it would be absurd to see you fail so hard in a game you supposedly helped creating.