Diablo creator David Brevik roasts modern ARPGs aka. D4

You didn’t understand the point as neither l did. Brevik talk about progression not endgame. All arpgs beside diablo3 and 4 have good slow methodical progression.

Brevik roasted diablo franchise which is fairplay coming from its creator.


He hasn’t done a damn thing since D2. Look at the mess that was Marvel Heroes. He was behind that and it was a giant money loser. He gets far too much credit for being part of the team that made D2. I don’t see his opinion as being any more relevant than many others in the industry


Lol he was one of the goats. So changing arpg from turn based to realtime wasn’t good? D3-4 are the worst blizz north are kings


What he finds silly others probably find completely fine. Opinions vary.

The roast of D4 and finding game play silly kind of assumes his opinion is in the few that can be right. Nothing wrong with his view, but there nothing wrong with the opposite either.

Always amazes me people put stock in others views when they should he enjoying the game and if they don’t like it find another game.


There is merit to his statement, if he’d mentioned endless power creep, I’d 100% agree.


Honestly, even “better” games like LE and PoE2 also suffer from this. You can kill things very fast and have a ton of crap loot (so much so you even need loot filters).

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“When you’re shortening that journey and making it kind of ridiculous. You’ve cheapened the entire experience, in my opinion.”

I agree with him but at the same time hes done nothing of importance since D2.


D3, D4 - misunderstandings compared to D2.
PoE brought a lot to the genre. By the way, in my opinion, PoE never ceases to pay tribute to d2 in many ways.


I think it’s a lot easier to be critical of things than actually do the thing.


Talk is cheap.

But dude is entitled to his opinion.


Still talking about the market when you have 0 insight or proof won’t give your argument any points.


I agree that there’s just too much loot in ARPGs now. D4 has hard loot fatigue and PoE 2 is even worse if you don’t use a filter.

There’s just no reason to make thousands of items drop that are 99.9999% pointless and then force the player to sift through it all to find that one diamond in the rough. It’s not fun. It’s not engaging. It’s just tedious.

Constant inventory management is not a feature, it’s a nuisance. Give me a game with ARPG style combat where loot is way rarer but far more impactful / useful. That would be a lot more fun.


Is there anyone “in the industry” that has anything positive to say about D4? What? Nobody? That’s what I thought.

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What exactly did POE2 bring to the game?

From my perspective they only brought. Credit card card machine.

So I’m curious what they brought that’s new and a “changer”. Because after 30 years of gaming how much can you bring verses rehash?


I disagree, it’s not about the loot being mostly garbage, it’s how and why they’re garbage.

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In PoE 2 (and PoE 1 for that matter) it is insanely rare to loot an endgame piece of gear straight off the ground. Every item requires “crafting”, which is really just a nice way of saying RNG slamming with currency.

This leads to a scenario where currency is the most exciting loot drop in the game. It feels bad.

D4 has a similar problem but you’re not reliant on currency. You just loot 10,000 items and hope against hope that you’ll find the one you want eventually. This means you have to sift through and salvage / sell 9,999 items that were basically useless to you for no real reason.

The labor involved in that process is not fun. It’s not engaging. No one likes going back to town every 5-10 minutes to salvage an inventory full of garbage, but we’re forced to because we need those materials.

So why not just have the materials drop in the outer world and eliminate the boring, tedious work involved in salvaging so much garbage? If inventory management isn’t adding any fun to the game, why force us to spend so much time on it? It’s just detracting from the thing that makes ARPGs fun - killing stuff.


He left Blizzard in 2003. If his finger was so much on the pulse of the public why was Hellgate London (2007) less than a smashing success?

Diablo 4 is primarily a “Seasonal” game and his criticisms are not valid because it is not the same kind of game as D2.


Absolutely agreed!

Diablo 2 is another example of the loot hunt done mostly right. Most of the drops might be trash, but you don’t have nearly as much hasle shifting through all of them. You can spot a good item on the ground without it having countless variations of conditional modifiers for example. Spot a unique Shako? Sure enough it’s worth picking up.


Personally I think there is room for both styles of arpgs. POE2 has a slower type of leveling that I find refreshing from time to time. I look forward to giving it another whirl when it is fully released.

Its like choosing your favorite ice cream. Do you like vanilla or chocolate? You only like vanilla? Great! Then go eat your vanilla ice cream and stop trolling people who enjoy chocolate.


It is funny you mention DW. I loved DW up to DW 5. That was one of my childhood feel good games. You started rather poor and in the end you became a god pretty similar to ARPGs.

However DW kinda did the same D4 does. They trying to up the ante more and more and more. For me that makes the games less and less and less attractive.

Just like i cannot enjoy D4 to just kill bazillion worthless enemies with a click i cannot enjoy DW anymore. They went way to far with the Power fantasy.

Basicly proving Brevik right. He seems to be up my alley in terms of gameplay and PoV.

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One created a game so popular that it is still live today and played, one that was popular enough to get “resurected” with updated graphics

Does anyone want to argue that D4 will have players online in 2040? That anyone will care?

I will say one more thing. In all the years being member of multiple D2 forums & communities, I do not ever remember once anyone complaining “What is the end-game” or “Where is the end-game”. Lot of issues were there, just nobody had a problem with this. Irony? D2 truly had no end-game, but it was good enough that players made their own. Something D4 just can not do without a complete reinvention.