Diablo 4 Will not install

I have deleted everything that has diablo 4 folders. I have Uninstalled both battle net app and diablo 4 completely. I have tried changing to wireless connection. I have tried to turn off firewall. I have changed ip configuration. Ive tried all ways in different orders numerous times. Ive tried installing beta battle net. Ive tried running in admin as well as checking all rights on programs. Is there no other way to download the game other then on the battle net app?

Step back a bit.

What app are you trying to use to install that is failing?

Are you getting any error message when trying to install?
Is there any indicator? Spinning wheel, Windows error, Windows flashing icon?

Try deleting the folder in these instructions:


  • Just got a new PC and installed the Battle.net app.
  • Tried downloading Diablo 4…
  • The installation gets stuck at 38%.

This issue has been around since Day 1.
It’s 2025 now, and it still hasn’t been fixed.

I’ve read the same “fix” on the internet, nope not working.
BLIZZARD come on!!!

Why would I delete Battle.net folder?
Are the devs really incapable of fixing this issue?

Sometimes its the PC that goofs this up. This is why its part of the steps.

As for it getting stuck, there are a couple things you can do:

  1. Be patient. Leave it and walk away or do something else if you have to. It will eventually finish.
  2. You can try pausing, waiting a few seconds, then resume. This sometimes will kick it back in.
  3. Never try to play the game before its down downloading. This will also cause issues.
  4. If you aren’t running a 4K display or a card with less than 12GB, don’t install the high res packs.
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That did the trick, it’s on 70% now LoL :rofl:
Thank you so much.