Diablo 4 was almost great again

Then it wasn’t. We are crashing harder and more frequently than ever before. The hitches are a constant. The Infinite loading screens we are now facing obviously were never tested though you rolled it out? The class balancing is seriously something else. Someone really fought hard to be make it as retarded as possible. People are losing gold left and right. Sparks are not received “The Endgame rewards” from killing Lilith…

First few days were exceptional then you decided to make core changes which seriously impacted the state of the game. You haven’t even spoke up about it. We don’t have any support from you. Please for the love of GOD come out and tell us what’s going on. What you are doing to fix these issues. Love Diablo… Anyone even in these forums do, but you are killing us. Back to D2 till you can figure life out.

Left Remix to avoid bugs and come play this again, now this is bugging.

Does anyone know of any games one could play that aren’t bugged?