Diablo 4 Season 1 date next week


Q3 earnings report is coming up

We’re still in Q2 though.


This is when Diablo 4 will lose a ton of players unfortunately, and at the start of S2…probably lose alot more unless massive improvements and content updates are released.

Meh, they need to wait until they’ve balanced the game and removed at least 9999/10000 of the bugs the game has…

What a JOKE…

The game is built around the battlepass, that is the sole reason they are pushing seasons. Once the battlepass sales go way down, then you might see them take a different approach and actually work on more content for the game.

I’m getting skeptical on the season content at this point, not talking about what is coming keeping everyone in the dark, they afraid to inform the masses for some reason?

Apparently they are treating Season 1 as yet another BETA

Q3 earnings release for atvi isn’t until November…

And Q2’s earnings won’t be reported until August.

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Nothing beats an announcement of an announcement.

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