Diablo 4 PTR Now Available to Download - 16GB 📣


fake news, its not downloading yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Troll post I’m @ 8 gig already thx Avalon

still nothin on my end. restarted it twice, loaded in said invalid license

I d/l’d a big chunk last night. idk if it was the latest update or not. But I currently am showing no update available

Mine downloaded about an hour ago but I’m not going to try load it again until after 2024-12-03T18:00:00Z

Version for me shows

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i have the same version its not live yet

I just got in., didnt have to download a new version thou

ah that’s too bad. When I switched to PTR on the Battle Net Launcher it gave me the option to update right away. It has now finished - version

ok im in. i didnt have to download anything. guess it grabbed it on its own last night

So it was not “fake news.” You are welcome.

the fake news part was that it downloaded yesterday i guess

omg wtf is with the automatic enabling of screen reader

/grabs life vest for the inevitable flood of tears.