I was thinking the same thing on RS until I got used to the targeting/target lock. After playing it for 2 weekends it’s definitely a must as is. Definitely spot on with LB though. I get what they’re trying to do in making you choose passives to vary gameplay, but I’d really be happy with just one more skill spot

I like the idea i have seen about making the left or right trigger switch between 2 skill bars bithe having 5 skills. Its not impossible and it works well for other games. If your on pc you have so many more options. It would only be fair for console players ir pc players wanting to use a controler.

9 or 10 skill slots would be perfect.

L1 - Potion = Skill
L2 - Skill
R1 - Skill
R2 - Skill
X - Skill
Square - Skill
Triangle - Skill
O - Dodge = Skill

Looks like there is 8 skills to me, just 2 are locked for your convenience so you dont die.

Yall do know that there is the emote wheel, I do know that you can put other potions on it. Didn’t try for a skill though.

True We Do not need a downgrade From diablo 2 ~! Diablo 4 Can be a Realy good game but it need more then 1 2 3 4 and left right mouse bouton this is just limiting yourself for no reason ! You dont even have space to put all the skill you gain from level 1 to 25 … right now imagine when we get more skill later on !

Most get confused with over 3 or 4. I miss pc and having 34-60 skills on tap… L2 shift for a,b,x,y adding 4 more would truly let this game blossom. Melee rogues could have two nice ranged skills or ranged a few close melee options. Barbs could have most there shouts without the major sacrifice of being locked into dps or support. Necros could have pet builds and still a few ranged and melee range skills. Sorcs could… still have two buttons… :laughing:

Having to press or hold a button to bar swap would give m&k players a sound advantage.

I only see the possibility of adding one more ability by moving evade to a joystick, other than that, there’s no way Blizzard is going to kill Cross-Platform in it’s cradle by allowing m&k to access abilities with one key, while controller players would need an additional step.

Having less abilities is just going to emphasize prioritizing the ones most important to you.

Yes please more slots are needed for some classes

M+k can already swap skills during combat, seen in several videos posted from beta…I wasn’t able to swap that fast on the controller in PS5!

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Blizz is going backwards only giving us 6 skill on the controller in D4 . They have it right in D2R 12 skill slots and I use every one of them on my Necro!!

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Where do you see that?

I’ve seen it also. Whatever their hot key for menu is then simple drag and drop. Way faster than console will be able to switch on the fly for sure.

Then that is a problem that needs to be addressed and should be the center of discussion.

Because even if we get more ability slots, it won’t be competitive to that.

Yeah cross play for PvP definitely works much better for PC than console. I will probably stay out of PvP areas for that reason plus the precision you gain targeting with M+K.

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Quickslotting different abilities mid-fight is going to be a problem in PvP.

A simple solution to this could be locking ability bars when entering the Fields of Hatred.

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I guess: Most of the people didn‘t play Diablo III before.
Honestly: Most of the topics NOT technical related make me laugh. „Give us more than 6 skills…“, „Not buying until you can play it offline…“… Seriously? Guess the same people are playing other Games without any offline mode.

And Diablo has had 6 Skills as long as I can remember. Can‘t help, but if you are so unsatisfied with the game, then leave it be!
Just to mention it: D4 is a evolution of D3, NOT D2R. Especially as there were 6 Skills as well in D2.

But I guess this is the youth of today: they want it comfortable, easy without having to think to hard and everything at once. :joy:


We need more action bars.


Copy and paste POE skill set, 8 active and can be changed out but still stay active, problem solved!
But I doubt they will make this big of a change this close to release…

Not really class depth if we all have the same skills due to so many slots being available.

How they come across p.much.

They don’t consider how much they’d have to gut the basic power of a skill if we were able to just pick up everything on the tree. Even then some one point wonders would likely slip through the cracks and become “must haves.”

For three points or less I usually had a very strong skill added into my arsenal, without affixes. You’d ignore the everloving hell out of passives because you could just pick up another skill that does that and has practically no opportunity cost.

I could already see every barb being a triple shout barb with deathstrike, leap, kick, stomp, and iron skin if they didn’t nerf the hell out of the basic power of a skill to balance this out.