Diablo 4 Itemization

Itemization was probably the thing that made me quit too, atleast one of the 100 reasons.

No dopamine what so ever.

Like when youre level 70, and a unique drops that always has a certain level requirement, fe 82, and you Just cant wait to get to level 82 so you can equip that build Defining item!

Now its Just crap, i hate the skill design, i hate the Paragon design, i hate the glyph design.

I hate the affixes on gear cause Theres 1 in 1000 chance you get an upgrade.

From level 70 to 92 the only thing that made me stronger was Paragon points and upgrading Glyphs.

Just nothing in this game is interesting for me.

You cant Even craft items, wth smh


Same here. Uninstalled the game before season 1 even went live, not because of nerfs or the patch notes but because there was nothing left to do and nothing to look forward to. Not a single item could even get me slightly interrested once i reached lvl 70. This i by far the main reason i stopped playing, i even feel like if this game had an itemization system just as interresting as D2 i would probably still be playing despite all the other issues D4 has


Yep something needs to change. I do not feel excitement when I get any drops. I just decide if I wanna break it down or vendor it.

Not getting any upgrades for many levels feels bad.

There will always be cookie cutter builds and that is not necessarily a bad thing in an arpg. Difference is that items which enable you to change things up are just so much more interesting than hunting for boring affixes.


Just did the math for me and i would find an uber unique every ~15 years. (if i would continuously play, without any pauses) :rofl:

Say what? The evolution of the human brain and 5 million years of evolution says you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

Dopamine effect is highly effective, but also not that useful for itemization design, since it wont be the same things that trigger dopamine in people.
Some people apparently get a dopamine burst from seeing a silly item drop in D3. While for others it had the effect of taking a sleeping pill.

So yeah, designers of course want to trigger dopamine, but that never leads to one specific kind of design.

Careful Icarus you might spook the devs with these kind of ideas and complaints. Never fly to close to the black hole sucking all the fun and joy out of everything that we call Actiblizz…

Yes. The whole item system is designed around never having the feeling of a complete item and never let you say “I’ve finished my character”. It’s designed that you don’t stop playing. Even mobile gacha games are nicer.

D4 is designed to not make you feel good.

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Thats not entirely true at all. To get any sense of a dopamine effect basically comes down to the same factors as far as items go, Rarity, Value, usefullness etc. I dont think u will find many players that played D2 as an example that didnt get a dopamine rush when they saw that Ber rune dropping. This feeling is more or less totally gone in D4 since all items basically looks and feels the same, rolls the same boring affixes and are so generic u can barely tell the difference. All items are more or less common in D4 except for the uber uniqes which is not even considered a drop but a meme in most peoples mind. By the time u get to lvl 70 u will most likely never find another drop that u dont have multiple copies of in the stash and u cant even trade which makes the feeling even more absent. Point is its easier to create a dopamine triggering itemization system that most people would like than making people get any dopamine from this D4 load of bs drop pool

part of the problem is half the items are too confusing. idk if 1 item is better then the other. they added WAY too many bonus modifiers. its nice to have some but they went over broad, look at rouge imbuement dam. I think its imbued and imbuement dam.

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Endgame summarized: - “A lot of things you can do, and no reason to do any of them”


I don’t know or care what people claim about D3, what I said was my opinion.
It’s a subjective matter, so it can’t be wrong, I don’t need to actually back it up. Just like when you say “D3 remains fun”, it’s your opinion, I respect it. It was never fun for me. I hate the art direction, the timed dungeon, the running at the speed of light not even looking at what you fight, the “my gear is finished in 3 days”, the item set design mentality. I hate all of it. It’s shallow to me, hence the mobile game comparison. It feels like what a PC adaptation of Immortal would have been.
D4 isn’t lonesome to me since I play with friends, the map is absolutely gorgeous (the dungeons suck tho), music goes between unnoticeable and awesome, story couldn’t care less. Itemization is meh. There are a lot of imperfections, but I’d rather have release state D4 than today’s D3.

D2 > D4 > D3 for me, but to each his own. There is no need to hate on a subjective opinion.


D4 item design is indeed terrible. Having the same useless Uniques drop over and over is one of many big problems at the rotting core of it.

You guys are getting different unique drops?

Im only getting mothers embrace, prob over 40 of em in total

Yea wish we had D2’s uniques. Bigger pool, cross class drop with trade system. In D4, most of the time, we already know what the unique is before we pick it up. Kinda kills the joy.


I think the problem is way more extensive than just modifiers and affixes. In my opinion it looks like a complete rework, everything in the current state feels soo wrong, scaling, itempower (should not be a thing at all), aspects (belong in skill tree if even needed) , uniqes, affixes , identity of items etc. Dunno how they came up with this load of bs itemization system in the first place when they litterally have 3 predecessors to learn from. All the data they need is actually right there in their own database. Forgot to mention why the f… is everything class specific this is bs, this kills any reason to pick up anything that isnt better than what ur char is currently wearing or cant be used in his build and the no trade policy amplifies this feeling even more

It is totally fine to not like D3. (or whatever)
But you are “through” D3 seasons after 3-5 days of moderate playing. While mobile games do everything to keep you from finishing the game.
D4 tries to keep you away from finishing the game, which is more like a mobile game. (plus the battle pass, cosmetics/microtransactions) :kissing_heart:

Ok, let’s assume that’s the case

Currently the game works in this way, let’s assume a single type of item and let’s examine it’s “progression” through levels:

Let’s assume Amulet is the one we’re looking at… Each amulet (afaik) rolls 2 types of Resistances, that’s the inherent value they roll (though some roll MS but later in the game ?, not sure)


Amulets start appear level 6-7-ish (I think ? :thinking:) so let’s assume 10

Level 10:

  • 2 resistances, +X to X/all stat/s, +X% to X damage (close/ranged)

Level 20:

  • 2 resistances, +X to X/all stat/s, +X% to X damage (close/ranged), +X to skill, %Damage vs CC or MaxResource

Level 30:

  • All the above + CC/CCR or RCR or CDR

Level 40:

  • All the above + +X to X skills

Level 50:

  • All the above + +X to X passive (most often Key passive but sometimes can be any passive in skill tree)

Level 60+:
All the above + DR% or DPS% (and someone correct me if I’m wrong but also think they can roll Armor% as well)

So - from there up to lvl100, that’s ALL you want Amus to roll ? :thinking:, like seriously, never ever get the wish to have a new roll, like say:

  • LH% reduce target’s damage by X%
  • LH% gain a buff (Berserk for ex.) or restore max Resource
  • %Damage based on resource (or skills cost % more resource but deal %% more damage type of roll)
  • %Damage based on amount of Fortify/Barrier

Like, none of those things intrigue you to get something else/new… At all ?

Imagine getting those at lvl70 for ex. and then on lvl80 get even more “advanced” things like:

  • % Damage/reduction vs/from Elites
  • % Damage/reduction based on MS/AS
  • LH% chance to cast a free “copy” of a skill (multicast)
  • X skills have LH% increased (say Core skills have LH% additively increased (baseline) for 5-10%)

Like, none of those things would work (at all) ?

I seem to recall itemization being pretty much the same in D3 on launch. The developers need room to develop the game each season. Could this be the reason itemization seems a bit lacking?