Diablo 4 Itemization

i truly feel this is the worst flaw in the game - and i know there are a lot - it takes forever to sort through all the gear - and inevitably you’re going to miss something - playing at 3am - powering through some dungeons, i loot all the ancestral yellows - but frankly just for the materials - i rarely look through everything lol - it really breaks the immersion and the “OMG I got something great” vibe/feeling is just non existent 95% of the time

the ability to search and TRIGGER a filter check for what you’re looking for on incoming loot would be just … it would bring a tear to my eye

i dont remember diablo 1/2 feeling like this - i didn’t do d3 - so im not sure - but then maybe im just older, more impatient - (not a kid anymore) - so i dont have time to sift through 3 rows of yellow items where 99.9% of the time they are utter trash affixes

This isn’t true, the item scaling system while from WT1-WT3 is fine. It’s sacreds and ancestrals that make it feel bad. Their only goal is to change the scaling and it’s actual trash.

The Developers commented on Twitter that everytime you see a person ingame, the servers load their entire inventory and stash, thus the limiting factor in adding stash tabs. For what reason another person’s stash would be loaded, in a single player game without trading, is mind blowing to me. Whoever is responsible for this should be terminated for being bad at their job

This exactly. Loot has felt boring to tedious compared to previous Diablo games. Only want a legendary to extract an affix to put on a rare but have to hope 3/4 stats are useful or it’s basically trash.


This is the first Diablo game where I get loot and I don’t get excited, and 98% of it gets salvaged because actual upgrades are few and far between. What’s the point of this kind of game if loot has become meaningless, and end game is non-existent?

This technically makes the uber legendaries pointless to get and hunt for as well, other than for bragging rights, because with no actual end game content then what is the point of hoping to get them?


For anyone not grasping how rare Uber Uniques are, every item has a rarity value from 1- infinite.

Uber Uniques are assigned a rarity value of 1
The next rarest Unique has a rarity value of 800,000

This means for every 800,000 Unique drops you see, you will see 1 uber unique drop on average. Now think about how many Unique items have dropped for you in all your playtime.

D4 itemization feels better than D3’s to me, but then again, D3 is a glorified mobile game.

D2 itemization was the best, but younger audience would never stop whining.

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While D4’s loot isn’t as bad as the vocally loud 200 people say it is, Blizzard has definitely done what you’re saying before. D3 underwent multiple changes to itemization throughout its life.

I would like to be able to build a character in uniques or a set of items, and have that character be maybe 10-20% weaker than someone who min-max’s with the current style of selective legendary affixes farmed and rolled out to max, I respect that they deserve to be stronger for putting in the time and effort. I don’t enjoy the current system at all, I dont want to check every stat, every item, use calculators etc to figure out what I need for my build just to feel remotely strong. We are already constantly weaker due to scaling, at least let us have some fun as an option, and let the hardcore of the hardcore have the current system to push the impending ladders to the highest levels.

Always this claim with nothing to back it up.

I find the unfounded D3 hate around these here parts hilarious. Primarily because it’s so evidently wrong.

Guess my question is… show us on this doll where D3 touched your horadrim?

D3 remains fun. You start off dinky-dink and actually progress to something meaningful and enjoyable, whilst making new friends along the way, with plenty end-game activites to enage in whilst you grind for the BiS items you’re after…

D4 in current iteration is hollow, unsatisfying, pointless and so very, very, lonesome.


Come on. Like D3 if you want, but that is too much.

Anyway, yeah, D4 itemization is much better than D3s; more affixes that are useful, and better balanced legendary affixes. It still got plenty that could be improved though.

Like I said. Unfounded claims because you have evidently not played the game.

But you have an opinion on something you have no experience of. That’s precious.


Even if that was true, which it is not, it seems better than you pretending to know something you don’t know?

Yeah, I have played D3. It got the worst itemization in the genre. That shouldnt even be up for debate, but I wont stop you.

It doesn’t even matter much. D4 having better itemization than D3 does not necessarily mean it has good itemization. D4 still need to improve. It should strive higher.

This hyperbole isn’t helpful. They don’t need to completely rebuild the entire system, mainly because you have no idea what that would even entail.

If they want random stats on items, they need an in-game economy.
If they want random stats on items, but no in-game economy, then they need to give the player some way to specifically farm for what they need.

The problem is, they will come out tomorrow and say “we’re fixing Barb and Sorcs!” and will continue to try and fix their game, instead of trying to implement new ideas or any sort of meaningful end-game content.

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This is what happens when Blizz relies on Eastern Asian Devs to Itemize their game for them. This system is EXACTLY what Korean gamers like and they love to just grind, grind, grind, grind…this is NOT what Western gamers in the market like to do at ALL. Best example is FF14. It was complete trash and when they shut it down and redesigned the entire game to focus more on Western MMO style gameplay the game was str8 up amazing and took off from there.

When they brought that 1 guy on that I could barely understand to speak about resists/armor…I knew immediately that the design was going to fail…because they use that same stupid design flaw in the Eastern Asian gaming markets.

IMO the biggest problem with itemization is the overabundance of conditional affixes.

“Crowd-controlled reduction against enemies afflicted with shadow damage over time, on a Thursday, under a full moon, when it’s not raining outside…”

All these dumb conditionals need to be collapsed into simpler, meaningful affixes.

For example, +Damage% to close and far should be collapsed into just +Damage%.

What is the lore explanation for “close damage” versus “far damage” anyways.

And you know what problem this conditional affix pollution is contributing to? Stash space. I could eliminate one of my stash tabs if there weren’t so many of these dumb conditional affixes.

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Build defining gear can be just as cookie cutter as these trash rares in D4.

Part of the reason is that items actually had identity in D1 and D2. By the time u had played the game for a while u quickly learned what items was worth picking up just by looking at the loot on the ground. D4 has this useless Itemization system where everything looks and feels the same, they even roll the same boring stats. Just a meaningless pile of junk with no identiy, dunno why they even bothered making different names cause its all the same. Might aswell call them sword,boots,helmet etc. anyway u get the point

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This hyperbole isn’t helpful. They don’t need to completely rebuild the entire system, mainly because you have no idea what that would even entail.

This is not a hyperbole. When I say D4 itemization is a complete trash, this is exactly what I mean and this is probably the ONLY reason why I stopped playing D4.


The problem is not that we hunt for the same rolls, the problem is the irrelevant small “2%” higher roll!
It is totally fine to hunt for the same rolls, but the difference needs to be meaningfull.
All sacred items need to be vastly stronger than normal rare items.
All ancestral items need to be vastly stronger than sacred items.
But they are not!

They also should have different colours, so we can easily ignore low tier items and do not fill our inventory with useless garbage!
We do not want to waste 1/3 of our time with going through full inventorys, checking every single item, just to sell them all.

More possible rolls, as you propose, would just make it worse!

D4 itemization is much worse than the one in D3.
Droprates and the rolls are too high in D3, so that you have too quickly “bis” items and are too fast “done” with the item hunt.
But the item hunt in D3 is much more satisfying than in D4.