Diablo 4 is overall the worst title in the franchise

Let me help iterate why D4(while having the best campaign experience of all Diablos) is overall the worst title in the franchise.

D4 has no longevity.
Diablo2 had its economy to incentivize endless play.
Diablo3 had rift leader boards to incentivize endless play.
Diablo Immortal had Rifts, PvP and Immortals vs Shadows to incentivize endless play.(albeit ruined by p2w).

Diablo4 has none of those things.
It has no economy in fact you’ll get banned for trading.
It has no limitless skill ceiling rift leaderboard.
It has no real PvP.
All it has is the grind, but unfortunately without atleast one of those 3 factors, your grind is pointless.


no you won’t, but trade isn’t a good thing anyway imo, at least not forced trading

leaderboard is coming

don’t think that one bothers as many people as you think

D3 didn’t start off great, and imo d4 is already off to a good start, seasons just need to build on it


Eh, I don’t agree with you. That’s okay, we don’t have to agree. However, I think the best title overall in the franchise was D2/D2R, but that’s because it had a ton of replayability (which D4 does as well). I pretend D:I doesn’t exist because I am that against P2W. D:I without a doubt takes worst title for me by a long shot.

D4 has replayability in the fact that you can take all of the classes to the top. I can find a build in all of the classes that I enjoy (except necromancer, I just can’t like anything with them except summons and summons are bad right now). So I’ll be making one of each class and playing at least some of it in all of them. D2 has some form of “longevity”, but let’s be honest, economy wasn’t really it. I mean, what’s the point of farming for economy if all you’re doing is farming for economy. Why make money if there’s nothing to buy with it but more money? The real longevity in D2 was the builds. You could buy gear to source more builds with it. D4 has more builds as well.

I think D4 can improve by learning lessons from D3. Having only specific builds that can reach high levels is bad for longevity. D2 had multiple builds that could go through hell difficulty. I mean, in D2R I have like… 5 Paladins all level 80+ with all different builds that can farm hell difficulty. And that’s just Paladins! Granted, some of the builds overlap some skills, but they are all different builds that could hit the “endgame”.

D4 has some builds for each class that can hit the “endgame”, but they need to open it up for more of them to hit. That’s where the longevity comes in, in my opinion.

Also PvP as an endgame is really bad. I haven’t look at the stats, but I’d venture to say that most Diablo players don’t actually care for PvP, and if they do, they at least care for PvE as well if not more.


Trade is definetely a good thing.


I disagree, having forced trade in d4 would make it a no go for me.

2 separate modes would be fine, but not one mode with trade


Yep, this game sucks.


That’s fine to have a SSF mode like in POE, with trading being the main mode. Even then though, trade is not really “forced” even in trade mode.


D2 was a mess at launch
D3 was a mess at launch
D4 is a mess at launch

But all were great foundations for a good game. And they became really good games. D3, perhaps not good as a diablo game, but a good standalone game.


As if Diablo 2 was the incredible gem is has become upon launch…
No stash space, couldn’t buy mana potions, no runewords (was there even runes?), 800x600

Give d4 a few years to settle in mate, go play something else in the meantime if you think it’s not fun right now :man_shrugging:


D2 had open bnet and single player so you could play it all you wanted on open or on single player.


Yeah people don’t remember how crap itemization actually was in D2 1.01 as well. The game wasn’t really good on release. It became a masterpiece tho. Especially with it’s expansion. I’d rather these things be perfect at launch, but that’s not how it goes. Much more has been left out of D4 than I expected, but I imagine developer time and deadline pressures are even harsher than before too.

The foundation of this game is good. I can see it being absolutely amazing, if they decide to put in the effort and ingenuity to do so. That’s yet to be determined. But I’m hopeful. I’d rather it be released as is, and me be able to play, along with everyone else to propagate a real beta test, instead of it still being locked away, with no feedback during development for 2 more years.


TIL ppl play Diablo series for the PVP.


I love playing v1,01 matter a fact I still play it on single player, what I loved about 1.01 was that once you got to hell mode there was no more cracked, crude items. The biggest nerf to the game is when in 1.03 they stealth added those broken items in hell.

That was meant for Bodach lol


Well to each their own. Plenty of people would revisit D3 inferno and declare it amazing now too. But the fact remains that both had problems compared to what the games became.

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If it’s balanced around trade like it should be, it is

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No, it’s not. POE both has an SSF mode, and a trade mode, both can be played without trading.


To the detriment of the individual player.

If you don’t balance around trade then drop rates are too high making trading worthless.

If you do balance around trade then you are a huge detriment by not trading.

Which is why self found and trade would have to be balanced separately like Last Epoch is doing.


Not sure. Both modes seem fine in POE and aren’t balanced independently of each other.


only way you make SSF work in poe is knowing the game inside and out, how to build around what drops vs planning your build out on what items you can get.

If you don’t trade you’ll never see certain items that may define the build you’re going for, which isn’t fun from a player perspective. Some people like the build around what drops method of poe which is why SSF works for them.

I also don’t like the solo part of SSF, would just have to be SF

Have a look at what LE is doing https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/trade-development-update-introducing-merchants-guild-and-circle-of-fortune-factions/51994 it hits on the best of both worlds