Diablo 4 is boring

I agree with some points and disagree with others. As someone whos completed every dungeon, strong hold, alters of lilith and 92% of the side quest i can see how it will eventually get a bit played out. The only thing left to do at this point is nightmare dungeons and they just dont feel very rewarding. At lvl 81 running teir 37s consistently i rarely get a leg drop (besides the one you get from completing it).

The dungeons themselves like you said are just kinda empty feeling, they’re definitely not as engaging as the nephalem rifts from d3 nor do they feel as rewarding. Same can be said for treasure goblins. Killed dozens of them and may have gotten a leg twice. I think the biggest thing id like to see are some class sets again. Something to work towards getting, a goal if you will. The legendary aspect that can just be imprinted with anything is kinda lame.

Helltides are fun as well as the world bosses if you play on staying on for a few hours to catch them.

Ultimately i have enjoyed the game but at this point ill probably take a step back as to not get too burnt out. Hang in there though it’ll definitely get better with timw.

You must be super fun at parties.

Glad they made a slow paced game for slow paced people.


its a game about angels and demons and yet i’m actually an unpaid fly swatter that needs to evade literally everytime i kill anything because the design decision is that everything exploding on death makes for a fun challenge.

i bet if i had a beastiary spiders, snakes and flys would be 50% of all the things i’ve killed in this demon basher lol.

Before a disconnect killed my char i was doing upto NM35 dungeons at level 75 and on bosses i dont even have to move, I just stand there playing whack-a-mole for 5 seconds before its dead. Such fun, interesting, well designed, challenging and rewarding encounters that take skill and knowledge of the encounter lol.

You know there was literally no one with any game design skills involved when after release tuning the game wasn’t 1% here and there but an “oh my” 50% decrease on pretty much all of the paragon board. 50% - which screams we didnt test or design anything. I cant name one game that was so badly designed they reduced the power of pretty much everything by this amount and not in the alpha stage but after release.

I agree. I’m a Sorc at level 62 and I’m bored with it. Going through literally hundreds of items before getting maybe one tiny upgrade to your gear is too tedious. I regret buying this game.

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Cool story bro… k :wave:

I enjoy the game. It is fun and has great potential.

I laugh at those nerd-karen bashing the game.

You aren’t wrong. I love these posts that make sense about what’s wrong with D4 right now and then people respond by saying “this isn’t the right game for you”. To many crowd control effects is boring. All we need is stun, slow, taunt, and daze for the silence effect. Maybe knockdown because it’s funny. I don’t mind specific crowd control effects by class like freeze but freeze is basically stun so maybe remove stun from classes that can apply freeze etc. This is causing too many affixes on gear which kills the end game for me when I spend hours farming NM dungeons trying to min max. Another solution blizzard could do to help with this is give three options for enchantment instead of a meager two. I’m with you wait and see how the game evolves then maybe come back.

Play hardcore and try to stay alive. That is not boring. Playing hardcore in D3 made tryign to stay alive interesting.

YES, there could be a technical error with the internet connection or the game.

Only happened to me ONCE, in 28 seasons of hardcore for D3-RoS. I accidently kicked out the power chord and came back dead. I laughed and started again.

You care to much about staying alive, to risk dying. If you are bored, stop playing and play something that’s not boring.

Yup! Several patches into release my client seems pretty stable, the freezes have stopped so I rolled a HC character. It definitely adds a dimension to the game :slight_smile:

Agree with the Stats and Affix, I dont like it at all.
Im ok with open world, the cellars will tie into a new grind at some point.
The Story was predictable but then how could it not be when the format is always going to be a progression to kill the big bad guy…girl at the end. I liked it.
Major problem for me is there is no reason to play the game afterwards. Seasons are needed for me to enjoy it.

Yes, agreed in part. Solo leveling to 60 is tedious and mostly garbage gear. Gear finds are generally better beyond 60 (still tedious though). The world seems boring once you’ve opened up the map. Now I find myself opening the game, trying to find something interesting to do, get bored , then find another game to play. I don’t think that the seasonal content will drag it out of the doldrums. It’s just gloss without substance. Tip: Play in public games for XP boost and potential gear drops from other players.

The game is just not fun wasn’t before the latest patch & is even less fun now it’s such a grind to level 50-60 & not having your Renown Paragon Points for each zone when you hit level 50 hurts that even more. the loot is absolutely trash other than Ancestral… I’m at a complete loss of what Blizzard was thinking… I’m struggling to even find the motivation to even level up my character because it’s not like there is a lot of content from this season what is even the point of playing compared to non-seasonal?

…and you’ll hit 100 and there is nothing new to do lol…

About them game reviews…

after 10 hours the game gets boring af

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I think more accuartely its this.

I give some credit, the game is really fun to play and feels great. It just GETS boring way too fast. Which is why they asked us to stop playing LOL… still cant believe that happened.

“We made a great game, but dont play it too much”

Wait I can get a refund? Please tell me how.

Actually there is less to do when you hit 100. It is only the drive to hit 100 that keeps me playing. When I get there, there’s nothing more to do.

You must be either incredibly easily pleased or simply haven’t played a decent game in this genre to compare to. I am astounded people settle for this as a “good game”. Get out more. Urgently.

I agree. I paid my money and have played. It’s just as boring as d3 and d2 is. All of it is excessively repetitive with out any appeal whatsoever. I yet have to find a game that will keep me interested. With the game being so expensive, I was expecting much more appeal and a greater amount of content. You would think developers on any platform would actually learn from the mistakes they make from other games they produce and actually listen to the player base. Just my opinion