Diablo 4 is a hard pass for me with these necro summon nerfs

This is just my feedback for Blizzard.

Summoner necro is awful now. I had been holding off on pre-ordering because I wanted to try things first. Blizzard has burned through all their good will they had built up with me over the years, so I just didn’t trust them, tbh.

So I played the last beta and genuinely enjoyed it. I was actually looking forward to the game releasing. I had decided I was going to pre-order as soon as my next pay period came along. Then shortly after the beta, before I got to pre-order, they released the list of the changes they had made from the last beta. I saw that summons were nerfed and I immediately changed my mind on pre-ordering again.

Then I saw that they were doing another weekend beta event, so I figured I would try it out just to see how bad it really was. It’s way worse than I even expected. Summons are completely useless. This has completely killed any remaining excitement I had for the game and has pushed me away from purchasing it.

Hey Blizz, go look at Last Epoch if you need ideas on how to make a fun summoner class. Even Wolcen (for all the problems it has) has a really good summoner class. And in both of these games, summons are strong enough to clear the HARDEST content those games offer. Blizz has an awful design philosophy when it comes to playing a passive summoner build. They simply will not ever allow it. And for this reason, I will be sticking with games that DO allow it, and I will not be purchasing D4.


my class isnt overpowered - I am not playing the game

I swear the cringe posts here and on reddit are out of this world, millennials are something else…


Summoner class is my favorite archetype in ARPG. Diablo 3 I played Witch Doctor. D2 I played Necro. PoE I ALWAYS play witch/necro. In that game pets do 100% of your damage and are basically immortal end game except in top 1% of circumstances.

This new version of Necro they have is the worst summoner archetype I’ve ever played in any ARPG ever. There is no way people stick with minions and necromancer is just going to be a dark sorcerer and everyone is going to sac their minions.

I’ve looked at all the legendary/unique items and none of them are going to give pets back the survivability they had in the previous beta. There’s no hope for them.


You are only lvl 20.

You have no decent gear or aspects.

You have no Paragorn.

I’ve gone through the game as a Sorc and its been challenging and I’ve had to put a bit of grind into my first aspect, Ice shards on an amulet (for more % cut through enemies).

If you want “Vampire Survivors”, play that! I don’t understand why you want Diablo to be a walk in the park, play on World difficulty Tier 1…


Here’s the problem. How do you know it will be different? Why is it wrong to base your impressions on the early game? The early game is the most important time for player retention. People are going to play this and say “Oh hell no”. Keep coping.


My McDruid build is still blasting teehee

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The difference between last beta in terms of minions survival is insane. Will minions even be viable endgame? I know they can get that 3 hit passive survival node, but as it is now they die almost instantly to elites. And what is the point to spawn new ones if they die instantly to bosses and elites? Nerfed to the ground hard.


The concept of any game if you’re not having fun while playing it, why bother playing it?

You can’t have your dev videos come out and constantly say play how you want, and it’s a terrible experience.

Also, during an “open beta” (or as other triple A game companies do as a demo to hype up their game) having people turned off on your product is the last thing you’d want.


The prestige graphics of this product + a company like Blizzard, users will at least give it a good wack.

I do have more patience than other people naturally, I play fighting games which casuals are allergic too but if you think that early game is too much work then I’m at a loss and I don’t think games should be made for a majority IQ under a 100 or for those who want to watch mobs die by themselves while they look at their 2nd monitor watching whatever streamer they’re addicted too…

Can we not repeat this song and dance? It’s always max level / tier / legendaries / next patch will fix it. Never does. If we want something fixed, we need to provide feedback.


Who gets to be super op in the super early game?

When do you want the game to turn easy for you? What kind of game or mechanics are you after and when? Your “feedback” is horrendous, you need to specifically say why it’s important to be doing x, that results in y because etc etc.

“Summons are too weak”, GREAT FEEDBACK. LET THEM KNOW! …

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so any other feedback on necro or just a cry post ?

Daikon = :clown_face:
good riddance


Alright then the game will die then. You want this game to be ultra hardcore? PoE is ultra hardcore. And in that game minions one shot almost everything around you and are basically immortal. The fact is the changes have made this server slam feel like more of an unfun slog than anything. No loot, classes got nerfed into the ground. I love sitting there watching my skeletons smack an elite on world tier 1 for 4 dmg when I was mowing down bosses on world tier 2 in 5 seconds with my minion necro last beta.


The problem isn’t early game balance per se, the real issue is that necro and sorc feel worse to play compared to the previous beta weekends. They should have buffed barb and druid to be as fun to play as necro and sorc instead of nerfing the latter to the level of barn and druid.


I found the few hours of grind and progression very enjoyable, the previous beta was obviously a x5 drop rate and it indeed made everything super easy.

I’ve been gaming for 20 years, from hardcore games (including korean MMORPG political games) to easy final fantasy games and I find the first 3-4 hours of me playing very good and I couldn’t find a fault.

You are emotional about your “method of playing”, I don’t know why you have an unhealthy addiction to having an army of summons but whatever, I’m done with children…

I hate that builds are all about items now. So I’m going to have to hope for gear and aspects that buff minions now?

The skill system is kind of worthless. The percentage points gained by putting points into a skill is so minute. I don’t want to have a summon build and have to wait till a part of the skill tree is available to you to put a point in that passive.

‘Play your Way’ right. Now it’s up to what items you get. :roll_eyes:


As a former mythic wow raider, this is how Blizzard balances things.

If Unholy DK is top dps in a raid tier. And feral druid is the lowest. Next raid tier Unholy Dk will the lowest and feral will be the highest. They always go way too far in one way. Like sliding a bar up and down. Ok feral druid its your time to be good. unholy dk you’re now unviable. congrats. If only you were a druid main you would have gotten an OP class for launch because people cried about druid being weak.


He didn’t say they weren’t overpowered. He said they were underpowered. Reading is hard.


i had the most fun as a druid last beta. first beta i played sorc. Druid was fun and everything was very doable. sorc and necro was way overtuned. Fun to play doesn’t mean everything dies without effort.

its beta? many people complain about this now, so sure blizzard will listen I assume? as they did for nerfing it, also you cant really judge before having full gear, but whatever, if it is too weak they will find the middle to even things out.
but being entitled and melodramatic… this is just cringe

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