Diablo 4 Interest over Time: 3 Month Trend From Launch Until Now

I got banned for 7 days for posting this.

The explanation for my ban? One word:


Really, mods?

I am cynical, sarcastic, and oft asinine and inane. But a troll? Hardly. A check of my post history reveals that.

I just returned to post here. Not sure I want to be on a forum with moderators who exhibit such poor judgement. Have fun y’all. I did for a while.

Peace out.


I find it hilarious that people actually played the beta like it was a full game. They made guides and everything. For a level 25 beta. lmao. What a waste of time.

Almost like to understand a chart you actually have to read the numbers and not just the general shape of it…!

Also, Elden Ring is effectively a single player game, while D4 is supposedly an online live game that should be able to sustain interest over a longer period of time through constant updates. So its doubly bad that it dropped off faster and harder.

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PPL do and post about that which they love. Its not a waste of time to do what you enjoy. It is a waste of time to judge ppl about it however.

wait a month or two and it will rock bottom. not even my bitcoins are following this path :slight_smile: