Diablo 4 Interest over Time: 3 Month Trend From Launch Until Now

Wait why so high still at a fiver?

Its like any ‘seasonal’ game; it is cyclical.

In general this thread demonstrates the number of people that don’t understand the graphs they are looking at on google trends.

Especially this pro ‘distribution comparer.’ cringe

Just look at the Trend for ‘NFL;’ it peaked this year in January and dropped to a 7 by Febuarary. Stayed at 4 and 5s all summer.

Guess the NFL is in real trouble. /s


This really can’t be stressed enough. They’re also called tourists for this reason as they don’t stay married to a game. They play it for a period of time and then move on. A lot posters who put this stuff up as a some sorta gotcha have no idea what they are looking at nor how to interpret it.


NFL is losing to minor league baseball budgets according to your analogy.

So it took Elden Ring over a year to match the same curve Diablo made in 3 months…

You’re making the point you think you are.

Yes, I even said it took longer in my first message. Thanks for finally understanding.

I can see this as a normal pattern.
I mean when something is new people search for things about it, but once you know what you need, are you going to keep searching for it?

It could be indicative of fewer new people interested in it.
Also does this include Youtube searches?

Interesting, but not surprising. Typical game launch trend, typical aRPG trend.

Go to Steam Charts and look at PoE and filter on all time dating back to 2012. Since 2017, they lose 85% of their player base 6kws into a 3-month season. That means for the remaining 6wks, even 85% of PoE player base is playing something else…

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If you look at the 5-year trend for PoE and Diablo 3, you can see it spiking up and down like a heartbeat monitor. This looks like what a game with a dedicated/loyal player base is like. Yes, the peak on launch is much higher than the peak for the past 5 years but that’s because the peak is when the hype/marketing/interest is at its strongest. We can only hope that Diablo 4 eventually reaches this equilibrium.

Not going to hold my breath though, they’ll need to retain enough players so they can reach this level. Bleeding players/interest at the early stages will make it harder for them to eventually reach equilibrium. Bugs must not be a feature; bugs are bugs and must be squashed with extreme prejudice (but not to the expense of the players).

Edit: The interest in Diablo 3 tapered off during the months when Diablo 4 is released, one could only hope that the loyal fanbase from Diablo 3 transferred to Diablo 4. If they retain these players, they will be the ones who are most likely to generate stable sales, so it is definitely of interest to not lose them.

Why are you concerned with how many people type Diablo 4 into the search bar? It is irrelevant.

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Who cares?

20 charss


I love d4 and want to see some community content creation. Sadly the google trends indicate why there isnt any. My favorite streamer Darth Micro is now promoting POE?! Accept it boys, we lost and poe has won. All my friends have converted but im holding out hope because blizzard is a solid company. Its sad this game is being review bombed, it really is a masterpiece.

Streamers…:sweat_smile::rofl::joy:. People love to be sheep. Now i get why you care…no independent thought.

You are allowed to play other games. In fact, you should. There is no reason to marry one game.

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Shhh. Let people like things.

So i went to check first 3 months of Elden Ring after release and at the end of said period it was between 11-19%

For Diablo IV it is 6-8%.

It is 2 times difference and Elden Ring at its core is a single player with only multiplayer elements, without seasonal contet drops.

You guys are on copium if you think this is remotely close


I don’t think there is if the only fixes and changes come in the form on monetary transactions for “yearly expansions”, season pass, or shop items.
I really don’t feel we have seen much in the slightest of what people were thinking live service meant. When other games patch fixes daily and this one does one bimonthly or monthly(and they are really minimal) one is left to wonder. This company has an ego that needs fed more than customer service quality.

Of course this is just how I feel based on what I received as a product and service.

Use google trends compare feature and show d4 and Poe over the last 90 days:

Here is an image of it:

D4 and POE currently have roughly same number of searches.

D4 spiked at launch. Poe has never come close to that spike in its entire history.

The marketing budget for D4 was possibly more than GGG has ever made total as a company. :wink: D4 is coming down from that marketing spike and is now reaching POEs PEAK.

If you want to use google trends then understand what you are looking at. Additionally google trends doesn’t indicate the health, quality, popularity, twitch views or player base of a game.

i.e. dont worry about google trends

Lol d4 dipped down to under 700 viewers today. Currently poe sits at just under 20k. Cope is a hell of a drug :smirk:

the game has been out only 3 months and it feels like it’s a 10 years old game fighting for its life, not very gracefully either.

it’s a weird one. theyre gonna have a hard time fixing the “first impressions”

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“Employees described Fergusson, now in charge of the entire Diablo series, as holding regular weekly Zoom meetings he dubbed the “Rodcast,” where several hundred people would join. Fergusson would discuss movies he enjoyed or celebrities he had spent time with. He would also address the team’s problem with attrition and share employee survey results, but employees felt that not much actually came out of these discussions.”

“To me, he came off as a bit of a clout chaser about where he came from, like ‘Gears of War,’” said a former employee. “People got frustrated because we all thought he was gonna come in and fix the game. And when nothing happened, that’s when you started to see this massive turnover.”

Thus, Fergusson proved not to be the game leader many had hoped for. Instead, he came across as someone who prioritized establishing authority through empty rhetoric and constant prodding. The outcome of his leadership style was evident: a half-finished yet popular game. The decline the game is experiencing now calls for a new direction, and Fergusson’s departure might just be the fresh start it needs. If he stays, the toxic work culture he has fostered from top to bottom might drive away those who genuinely love gaming and are committed to delivering surprises for players. What would remain is a marketing team that doesn’t think critically, focusing solely on being “politically correct” and releasing “that” video everyone hates.!@