Diablo 4 in xbox is unplayable

Bro, this is an xbox forum… your amazing fix… doesn’t mean squat to us


Just saw up too you said console so won’t be anything DX wise you have to touch. I would see if your router has qos and maybe see if your Xbox is set to a low priority or something. Never know, could help.

Yeah got it, I play both so just realized that. No worries.

I spent 90$ on this game and can’t even log in…wtf???
Yall make how much money?
I work hard and want to come home and play a game I paid for,… SMH

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Its saying i have a login error. Xbox series x and i am just getting more mad by the day. First day off and play for 30 mins and then get kicked out and cant login again this is just bull.

dude you know what pisses me off the most about my situation?, i bought the game for pc first, the ultimate edition, and everything was fine untill i realized that when the game was open i was using between 75 to 90% of the ram capacity, so i decided to buy it for my xbox and not risk my pc, i didnt spent 90 bucks my guy, i spent almost 200 bucks, and this is what i get, beign pissed off is an understatement at this point


Back to COD or monster hunter rise i guess…

I have hard crashes at random times and I cannot join my friends because the game tells me I don’t have Xbox live gold (which I do as it comes with game pass ultimate). No issues with any other online games. Blizzard needs to ditch their internet and use what works for every other game company. Looks like they broke something after server slam, had no crashes and could party up with other players in the betas.

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Whats worse is there are no mods commenting about any of this


doesnt surprisme one bit, their main focus are pc users

Join me in COD WWII

Blizzard really pissing me off also. Paid money to play a game that I get kicked off of. Spent over an hour right now trying to log in wasting my time. We paid to play a game. They need to fix this now. Likely not ever buying another blizzard game.

No issues on CoD servers…wierd???

I’m one of the lucky ones I guess (for once). I get right on every time have no problems at all after playing for hours. One time my screen froze but I just restarted my xbox x and was good to go. Sucks that so many are having problems.

Edit: I’m on Xbox X

I haven’t had this experience yet on my Series X.

I’m on PS4 and I’m having this same issue. Every 3-6 minutes, I’m hit with a lag spike followed by a disconnect and it’s been this way since early access. I logged on tonight to see if anything has changed, but nope. I’m stuck in a dungeon and can’t stay on long enough to complete the quest. It’s unplayable and I’m on the verge of getting a refund.

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I got disconnected twice. During the early access I had almost had no issues (2 freezes in 30 hours not bad) now I am paranoid when I play I’m gonna dc or crash.

Might it be country based?? I’m in Australia, so we get a different server apparently, been playing since 1pm (now almost midnight no issues).

Because the other games use other ports which are whitelisted in your router / firewall? Or the firewall did not got an updated?
The also use different URLs to communicate.

All what you wrote just reads like an issue with our internal network. Even a PiHole could cause this if not properly configured or monitored. But again, all what you wrote sounds more like an internal network issue on your side.

The part here is not because others also have these issues (which are few in total) it must be the game, it can also read more like: others also have not properly configured and maintained networks at home.

IronBuffalo mostly told you the most usefull tips already.
I can only throw in the official help site regarding network issues. It is helpful, it is the most compact and correct info you will find. Please really take the time of work thruh it.

Just from a personal perspective and many years of online gaming now on my life time: what you describe I experienced in 95% percent of the cases, regardless of the game, a network issue with the local hardware. Rarely an issue with the ISP and even less an issue with the game itself.
Game issues are more likely global, tied to a specific ISP or based on entire regions of the world.

To be fair, this is not an issue with the game, with Blizzard or any other people here in the forum.

I’ve never disconnected once… Sounds like an ISP issue.