Diablo 4 Gameplay Launch Trailer

Druid and Barb look so boring in comparison to Rogue, Necro and Sorceress in this trailer holy moly. After watching this trailer the playerbase will flock to these 3 classes hahaha.
I don’t blame them Barb was ok but Druid is still a turd.

Don’t underestimate the influence of Billie Eilish, her concerts are always sold out and have a huge following, I won’t be surprised if some of her fans started playing D4 cos of this trailer.

Maybe Diablo revealed in the epilogue cinematic lol :grin:

The song is quite good.
But absolutely not for the game or the video.


Especially when you consider how amazing for example Ashava music was. At the same time I really like trailers with “out of place music that magically fits perfectly” for example Gears of War were pretty good at making those. Just this one came out bit meh.

(example Gears of War 3 Trailer - Ashes to Ashes)

Yeah … but … I STILL would have gone with BAD GUY … it is an awesome song … it put Billie Eilish on the map, and, it won her and her brother/producer TONS of music awards. :slight_smile:

Video was great!

Music was totally bland Pop garbage.

Did they fire Matt Uelmen, or just forget to have him score this?


Statistically more a lot more women than men don’t have a good pallette for music and Billie is heard and enjoyed by a lot of women unknowingly to most males (unless ofc you’re young and live on League of Legends where they force music like this all the time…).
If you enjoy this very over dramatic singing and music creation, fine but certainly don’t call it music that’s suitable for everyone because it simply isn’t.

Like have you ever heard them once complain about the music planted on every single Tik Tok video.
They like Beyonce’s “Should of put a ring on it”, that got boring after the first listen!

I wouldn’t be surprised either, a lot of young people are over influenced by celebrities nowadays, with Twitter and youtube promoting lifestyles and updates like crazy and with other forms of entertainment being dry and slowed down when you compare it to back in the day where we had all different genres of music and japanese consoles and games flooding the market every single year or 2.

Man the days of Linkin Park and Outkast are mind blowing creations compared to this rather dull stuff coming out nowadays…

try and put the video on mute on youtube, and in background in another tab launch (always from youtube) roots bloody roots from sepultura. lyrics included, it fits perfectly.

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Music for the trailer is goofy. Doom has “BFG Division” & a game called Diablo gets… w/e this was. Though, in being fair; seeing as a big part of hells theme is torture etc, mission accomplished. My ears experienced the full effect

Did you say women don’t statistically have a as good a pallette for music as men? How to say you’re an incel without saying it.

Avoid every single bit of context and go and say a strongly overused meta word incel like if you’re some university student on edge.

You’ve barely made 1 line!

Anyway, I talk with the women about this crap all the time, you wouldn’t believe how many of them like some “ok” artists…just because they’re attractive.
My mum loves 50 cent…she’s not referring to any tracks, she just likes him.

They love a celebrity over the context itself, maybe you do too with your attitude…

Funny thing a forum nowadays, I started doing this stuff back in 2001 and people really wanted to talk, now they jump straight to grand standing on a position or agenda, no questions or debates, “you’re wrong!..and no context”.

This new generation…

I rather liked the music.

You’re generalizing about all women because of some conversations you had and your mom’s opinion. It’s misogynistic nonsense. And it’s stupid.

Ok if the convo needs to end like that so be it :rofl:

So what music or song would you recommend for this trailer?

If the trailer is for TV then the music is completely passable, same for Youtube if they allow it to go on trending.

If it needed to grow on its own it should be music that “goes harder”, something to turn heads AND more importantly, a track to show they give a damn because tracks like this are just slapped on casually by a lot of marketting teams for products or updates that aren’t groundbreaking…but this is Diablo 4!!!

Survive said the Prophet are one of the best bands atm that don’t get nearly enough exposure is an example of giving a damn!

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I agree there are some better rock songs out there for the trailer
Thanks for the intro of an awesome Rock band! Good recommend :+1:

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