Diablo 4 doesn't load on my PC

I try to start the game and get a grey screen and a spinning round cursor for a long time and the game fails to load. I tried uninstalling it and re-installing it and also repairing it but it didn’t work. Help!

For assistance in this forum, you’ll want to provide system diagnostic files for other players to help you. Follow the instructions from the Blizzard support doc here:

After you have the report:

Note: If you have trouble posting the URL, highlight the link and click </> on the post editor toolbar.

While you wait for assistance, review the Windows Reliability Monitor (Win10) or Reliability History (Win11), which may show you what’s happening in the background to cause any errors.

If you don’t want community help (I don’t work at Blizzard) and require staff assistance specifically, you will need to open a ticket.

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