Diablo 4 crashing

Corsair RM850x is my PSU.

Good brand. 850W. And what GPU?


Nice card. My older system has the same version but the 980 variant.

Yeah,that PSU should be fine with that card. Iā€™m running an 850W with my 980.

So unless that PSU is actually bad, you should be fine there.

I have not had a single issue with this system since I built it.
Sure, it is not the latest and greatest anymore, that card was very strong though and have served me well for a lot of various games.

I have even seen some switching out their 3080 with their old 1080 card and the crashing stopped for them.

It is so damn random it isnā€™t even funny anymore.

Yeah, that can be annoying too. There are too many variables for sure. I canā€™t put all of it on the game, but at the same time I canā€™t say it doesnā€™t have a bit to do with it either.

Hopefully they will get what they can fix on the gameā€™s end to help, but till then, people may want to just minimize their settings to offset issues till then. Thatā€™s what I did.

I get that a lot of people take the easy route and blame the game.
But, with this many reports I think there is definitely something wrong in the game.

Perhaps not for every single report, but for a lot of them.

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I remember when Cyberpunk2077 came out. I couldnā€™t play the game for a week after pre-buying. I ended up refunding the game.

I still havenā€™t bought it again, despite the devs managing to get the issues mostly sorted out later.

So while D4 is working fine for me, I have been on that other side of the fence where a game didnā€™t work at launch as I expected. lol

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Iā€™ve been having lots of crashing too with a high-end system.
A 4070 Ti, 8700K, etc. What seems to reduce the crashes is disabling the Frame Generation and other ā€œfancyā€ settings. Appears to happen more frequently when opening UI elements. Crashes seem reduced when using High instead of Ultra settings.

Low-end old PC here. Same thing, kept crashing. Then, I decided to use lowest visual setting and cap the game at 30 FPS max and 8 FPS for the other setting. I ran in windowed mode. I am now at Level 35. I donā€™t get to enjoy the advance graphics but hey at least it can still work. Donā€™t give up.

CPU: i5-4590 CPU
Ram: 16GB
GPU: RX580

Iā€™m in the same boat, but i donā€™t think itā€™s a hardware issue.
I played in beta, had the game running 10-12 per day without a single crash.
The only thing that changed between then and now is the updated nVidia driver.

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Xbox user here having the same issues.

Iā€™m getting SOOO sick of how often the game is crashing /closing. For me it seems to happen a LOT when i travel back to town and before i can use the portal to get back to BFE cuz i have no pack space.

I have so many frustrarions with this game but a dungeon crawl type game with no pack expansion, zero camera movement other than zooming in too far (going from a dungeon crawl to a MMO with pvp shoukd have warranted that change imo), why did I create a character thats never seen, Blizzard should have the lag thing under lock after WOW, etcā€¦ the biggest issue is still the constant crashing and having to start a long run all over.

Iā€™m aware I can just drop gear. But we need mats to level items soā€¦ itā€™s all related and a big problem. In my opinion of course.

I wish i could return it but i bought the physical game.

Game crashing nonstop on pc, i have 13900k 32gb ram and 3080. crashed already 8 times today. often directly after pressing T for townportal.

Is there a fix for this issue yet? I have been struggling with it since early access. I remember during the first beta for the first couple of days it was happening then they rolled out a bit fix and it worked just fine. I have not seen any acknowledgement from blizzard for this being a problem just blaming settings users have.

Right now the general consensus is to lower settings and tune the system around the problem, till they come up with a solution.

Here is some general advice:

  • Lower FPS cap to 60.
  • Lower quality to High.
  • Turn off Nvidia Reflex if you have an Nvidia card.
  • Run a program like HWMonitor to check the temperature of the CPU, and the GPU (GPU processor, GPU HotSpot, and potentially GPU Memory)

I donā€™t have much help for those on Consoles unfortunately.

Iā€™ve been running the game fine up until last night, on 144 fps and high. Since last night I crash every time I go through a loading screen.

I turned FPS down to 60, and all settings to the lowest, and turned off all extra options. Still crashing during loading screens. Have lost 2 nightmare keys now, so Iā€™ll just wait a few days to see if itā€™s fixed I guess.

And this is immediately on log in, before my fans even really start going, so I donā€™t think itā€™s over heating.

Had been running fine on my system until this Sunday (6/11/2023). I noticed an update from Blizzard installing and then thought I should install the latest Geforce drivers for my 3090. PC is all liquid cooled and not overclocked so running at less than 100F.


I have an older card to, GTX 1080. Where exactly is this config file?

Same Problem in EU. Not playable.