Diablo 4 - "Can't" Edition

Hi Devs!

If you wanna fix the game, start getting clues from this thread!


Do you think because the dev know they made a bad and super boring game, so they hurried to have the first season?
Even with the first season, the game is still a failure.

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@twist if you work for bliz please do better. If you dont, why are you defending unfun broken stuff like it is going to save your career?

Blizzard makes millions, they can stomach constructive feedback.

They can either make a compelling fun game , or they can make an ok game like it is currently that appeals to gambling addiction incentives like diablo immortal… thus losing thousands of future customers and returning customers, especially when great games from smaller teams are on the horizon.

I have largely only given constructive feedback. You may enjoy broken skills that do not function yet have new legend/uniques for charger that obviously were not tested at all, but as an IT manager with 25 years experience in security, coding, testing, support, data etc it doesnt make sense how bugs go unresolved while new features are released, who is their scrum manager and who are they saying “yes man” to?

There are obvious flaws that show major failures in testing or leadership. If strong leadership was here for d4 that listened to testers or gamers then we wouldnt have broken skills with bugs being nerfed or given new uniques/legends

This is all super weird from both the forums and developers, i just dont see us coming back unless microsoft can somehow perform a miracle

It will be interesting that bg3 and d4 will be under one roof, the pressure from ms may be intense.

Blizzard must and can do better. Instead of a focus on major slow down metrics they need to do “does this make sense, is it fun, is it broken?”

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Can’t trade
Can’t find items at fixed level
Can’t find items for other classes
Can’t zoom out
Can’t swap weapon

Can’t wait for BG3 release


cant uninstall, i get an error when trying to uninstall :rofl: :joy:

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“Can” edition, from 1963:

Can’t assign hometown for teleport
Can’t switch weapon without loosing cosmetic applied

But mostly… can’t see anything during combat.

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Man you really are face deep in their brown hole eh?

Did any devs play monster hunter world a game released about 5 years ago?

  1. Why cant we craft in batches of 10-20 but only 1

  2. Why cant we teleport to bank or vendors directly

God I go on holiday and come back week later and still the same whiny bs LOL its become a cult at this point.

Well Because there has to be some adventure in an Action, Adventure, Role-Playing Game

So for you the adventure part is running around in empty towns between vendors and the stash?

Your reply to oROEchimaru just makes no sense.

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Who is this Booby Kotex? Never heard of him.

I CAN find boring loot
I CAN get to backtrack in dungeons and waste time
I CAN get stuck on rocks
I CAN get stuck in place on a mount. Most games don’t let you do this
I CAN spam an ability 2-3 times then run around waiting hitting like a wet noodle. Most games let you spam abilities. D4 is special, rare breed


OP: Keep fighting the good fight.

I don’t know what drugs these people are on, but I sure don’t want those drugs - keep them far away from me. They will go through any and all mental gymnastics to argue a null point.

Here’s an example of an absolute D4 clown:

Tell me you haven’t played any other RPG without saying those words.

Same response here.

Okay, now you are just trolling, lmao.

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There were a lot of mistakes with s01 but renown reset was the biggest one, by far. Bind renown to the new questline or to leveling or to the battle pass, wathever… Just don’t make me redo quests. Once its ok but anything more than that is a joke.

I like the gaem and i’m playing s01 because i had already paid for the battle pass but i won’t be coming back for s02 if this isn’t fixed.

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CAN’T hide “vulnerable” text spamming on my screen


I’m not. I just believe you are focusing on the wrong things, and that you can already do most of the things you are saying you can’t. There’s plenty wrong with the game, but most of this list are not those things. Also, people do not understand how to give feedback or constructive criticism. If you don’t like something, state what it is, why you don’t like it, and how it can be made better.

You are not doing that.

Good list of things you can’t do in D4.


He is a Blizzard Troll trying to discredit legit players expressing their issues with the game, and the Diablo community knows better now. People like Veszerin are toxic and do not help Blizzard in anyway. Just ignore the sad troll.