Diablo 4 - "Can't" Edition

Can’t trade
Can’t find items at fixed level
Can’t find items for other classes
Can’t zoom out
Can’t swap weapon
Can’t hire/equip mercenary/follower
Can’t assign attributes
Can’t use resistances
Can’t craft.
Can’t collect/hoard items
Can’t stash gems, aspects, nm dungeons, hearts in seperate materials tab
Can’t play offline
Can’t do a dungeon without boring and tedious objectives
Can’t farm story bosses
Can’t target farm
Can’t find challenging content until you beat the game
Can’t find difficulty in the challenging content without on death effects.
Can’t feel progression because of open world
Can’t make niche builds that survive WT4
Can’t feel powerful even when outscaling enemies
Can’t use more than 5 skills
Can’t cast, out of mana/resource constantly
Can’t find a party
Can’t find a lobby
Can’t find uber uniques
Can’t filter the loot
Can’t search the stash
Can’t reset the paragon board
Can’t find a merchant with more than 5 items in store.
Can’t sell “everything” at a merchant
Can’t find use for gems after socketing them
Can’t name a single NPC except the girl who keeps slowing me down during the campaign
Can’t go to town without a 5 second channeling
Can’t exit NM dungeon without 5 second channeling
Can’t use the horse for more than 30 seconds without running into a barricade forcing you to dismount.
Can’t dismount the horse without being slapped with a 30 sec CD
Can’t do helltides, world bosses, legion events without constanly looking at the map
Can’t do clan activities (there are none)

Can’t unlock crucial paragon points without grinding renown - as a comparison I’d rather farm Dark Souls 1,2&3 covenant items all over again than do renown once.
Can’t fight next mob because skills on cooldown (added with feedback from thread)

I stopped playing so if you’ve played long enough to find others “can’t” , feel free to share them here.


All the listed are factual… cant argue with the op… so what blizz gonna do to fix this?

Even d2 had mercs and you could equip them…


I almost think its to much to fix without just starting over and making a new game.


I mean they took Diablo Immortal and made Diablo 4 with it what do you expect. Sadly I hear DI is a better game than this one at the moment by far.


This list is pretty spot on

Can’t find Shako
Can’t enter NM dungeon without being CC’d
Can’t fight next mob because skills on cooldown


But it CAN uninstall. :slight_smile:


I could list the things it CAN do…

My bad I had that under can’t find uber uniques
And the rest under can’t cast out of resources.
Honestly if felt to me as an all encompassing issue.

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Can’t believe they released such an unfinished game.
Can’t be bothered to play s1.
Can’t wait until the game is fixed.


Can’t chat
Can’t add simple features like stash tabs because of spaghetti code
Can’t use map overlay


That would be a very short list


I don’t agree. I think the game is fun and can do a lot of things I want.


You CAN find items for other classes… Would you really want to find even more?


ok, how do I zoom out?


Gotta buy an ultra-wide screen for that.

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You mean something like 5120x1440 which Im using where I can barely see whats above or below my character?


If there was trading and items weren’t tied to your level sure. This might even encourage me to play an alt.

Am i the only one that remembers finding something like Titan or Homonculus in D2 on your main and think “Gee, it would be great to start an Amazon or a Necro”

You have none of this in D4 in fact it actively discourages me from creating an alt char.


This right here, out of everything in this game, is the one that aggravates me the most. The Diablo series is supposed to be ARPGs. You know what really takes the action out of action role-playing game? Cooldowns. It slows the gameplay, limits creativity, and just generally brings the overall difficulty level down. Serves no purpose other than to stall for time.


Basically this… its a copy pasta upscaled… terrible game and a scam! The ceos are laughing their asses off at us cashing in on crap like this


Necromancer can’t read a book about Necromancy.
Sorcerer can’t read a book about Sorcery.