Diablo 4 - "Can't" Edition

I CAN find boring loot
I CAN get to backtrack in dungeons and waste time
I CAN get stuck on rocks
I CAN get stuck in place on a mount. Most games don’t let you do this
I CAN spam an ability 2-3 times then run around waiting hitting like a wet noodle. Most games let you spam abilities. D4 is special, rare breed


OP: Keep fighting the good fight.

I don’t know what drugs these people are on, but I sure don’t want those drugs - keep them far away from me. They will go through any and all mental gymnastics to argue a null point.

Here’s an example of an absolute D4 clown:

Tell me you haven’t played any other RPG without saying those words.

Same response here.

Okay, now you are just trolling, lmao.

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There were a lot of mistakes with s01 but renown reset was the biggest one, by far. Bind renown to the new questline or to leveling or to the battle pass, wathever… Just don’t make me redo quests. Once its ok but anything more than that is a joke.

I like the gaem and i’m playing s01 because i had already paid for the battle pass but i won’t be coming back for s02 if this isn’t fixed.

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CAN’T hide “vulnerable” text spamming on my screen


I’m not. I just believe you are focusing on the wrong things, and that you can already do most of the things you are saying you can’t. There’s plenty wrong with the game, but most of this list are not those things. Also, people do not understand how to give feedback or constructive criticism. If you don’t like something, state what it is, why you don’t like it, and how it can be made better.

You are not doing that.

Good list of things you can’t do in D4.


He is a Blizzard Troll trying to discredit legit players expressing their issues with the game, and the Diablo community knows better now. People like Veszerin are toxic and do not help Blizzard in anyway. Just ignore the sad troll.


I’m glad I paid extra to get this edition!

cant filter items

cant see leaderboard

cant have anything to do on an endgame

cant have greater rift

:slight_smile: :wink:

can’t browse the forums without necro’ing a 3 month old post

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Can’t just be a true MMORPG.
(tell me i’m really wrong after they dipped their toe in it)

These vampire abilities could have easily been just a aspect of the game. Not something to be deleted when seasons are over. That would “immerse” a player into choosing to become vampiric. s2 over game goes back to sucking.

can`t leave this golden topic being forgotten :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

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can’t argue with that. lmao


bro i just 1 shotted necromancer with my pulverize druid xD
he killed me first time and he said “HELLO” i was kinda salty about it so i went back and
pulverized him

i go actually play the game instead posing on forums :smiley:
allso, world boss soon :slight_smile:


Can’t stop playing it. It’s amazing.


Can’t go past a necro post without posting in it :laughing:

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Updated best I could for what it is now. i dont think TP is 5 seconds anymore!

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I think teleports 3 seconds? Could be wrong, no stop watch to time it.

Can’t choose what buffs you are seeing on your UI buff bar
Can’t hide input buttons on UI
Can’t see how long you got stunned / frozen / rooted (no cooldown visible)
Can’t use skill on left mouse click without target (look up poe how it works)

having 8 pasive garbage buffs is really getting on my nerves
when i actually want to track important ones

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