Diablo 4 Beta Feedback - 40 Hours Later. Diablo 4 is an MMO. Allow Solo Mode!

Good to know. I personally don’t mind encountering players. I do mind random players spoiling my experience i should have during the Event/Challenge.

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For me I feel like the game gets boring, if there are several players running around and clearing for me. Its not me who killed the mobs, so it is really unsatisfying to have other players be forced upon us.


Live service does not mean MMO. It means they can and will add things constantly to keep players engaged.


I do somewhat take offense at being forced to play with other players against my will, particularly with how scaling and difficulty factors in. If people are not pulling their weight/dying constantly to a world boss, it means that much more work for you vs taking it on solo since we are not fighting against a static set of stats.

I am very curious how my current character would handle against Ashava solo and the details behind how Ashava difficulty scales with number and quality of players present.

Can’t disagree with you on this. The point is: I’m not the only one with this perspective. If you search YouTube, there is a quite a number of people with the same opinion.

Are we the majority ? No idea. Are we right ? Not sure.

I’m here just to throw my idea and opinion out so that the Dev are aware of this and take it into consideration so that they can adjust and have more people enjoy it.

** Those who likes MMO will attack/belittle those who want D4 to stick with it’s root. That is another reason, why people prefer to play Solo and avoid toxic people. Not every game needs to be an MMO and it is not END evolution of games. If you like MMO, then good for you. For those who don’t, we are just highlighting it that we don’t.

End of the day, if i don’t like it; I’ll just refund it and play other games. The world will continues to turn and I have no issue with it. The bad actors in the community here is already an good indication of the problem that might arise from having Random Players popping in and out of your adventure.

Examples that may or may not happen:

  • Killing the mobs/events monster that you are trying to. Taking away the game challenge
  • Spam emote when you trying to listen to NPC lore
  • Follow your character around just to harass you
  • Spamming you in chat
  • Beg for items/goal (This happens in WoW so it might happen here). Not sure yet
  • Pulling/kiting a lot of monster to low level character to kill them
  • Skipping/cut short certain quests moments that you should enjoy by one shot the mini boss spawn

I kind of wanted to see more people, but sparse is fine.

There were millions of people playing this past weekend. We know that because over 1 million played enough to reach level 20 and earn the wolf pup cosmetic. Doing some rough calculations (like assuming that each person played an average of 8 hours to reach level 20. Yes, I’m fully aware some speedsters did it 2 but there were also people like you playing a lot more… it’s an educated guesstimate) that means at any given time something like 150,000 to 300,000 were playing at any given time. Yet the world felt pretty empty unless you were in places like Kyovashad. I unlocked the stronghold on multiple play throughs and not once did anyone show up to help with it. What this means is they seem to be keeping the number of players in any given instance relatively low… probably enough so world bosses can be handled but not so many the place feels like a Tokyo train station. And like the PTR it seems there was only one realm, I’m hoping that will change to something like NA/EU/Asia again… maybe more. You’re worrying about something that might be as if it already happened.

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You are right on some point. We are guessing/predicting certain events due to our experience in other game with some issues i’ve encounter in game. So we are here to highlight these examples to Dev so that they can improve or prevent the issue.

I personally have no issues seeing lot of players in Town/City. I also have no issues encountering players in open world. I have a big issue when their action impacts my experience of combat or disrupt the flow of the story events or exploration/adventuring pace.

Hence my suggestion is to have Private Adventure/Solo Mode setting.
I do not mind people jumping in and out after i’ve completed the story and see all the lores. Otherwise, it breaks the adventuring immersion that Diablo typically gives.

I thought strongholds specifically is one of the places where others cant show up.
After clearing a stronghold I always had a bunch of people spawning into existence.


Solves all issues related to the shared world, while allowing those who want to be in a shared world to have that too.
Heck, this could even allow Blizzard to make the shared world more crowded for those who want it.


Mea culpa… this is what happens when you try to absorb multiple hours of online video content before playing. I specifically remember multiple people clearing the stronghold in the video I watched. Turns out it has to be a party to do that.

One of the big differences here i think is what the specific player wants:

It’s MMO (“Social Setting”, “Achievement”, Rush the content to be World Firsts, Pure Combat lovers etc) vs RPG (Story, Lore, Immersion, Role Playing).

I think there is also a demographic difference as well. Middle Age + Older Gen : where we have more real life responsibilities prefer to have a “pause” function & to play at our own pace. Where as teens + young adults + man child don’t have those and can play the game as long as they want without interruptions. There is also the aspect where the young players wants validation/acceptance/praise from the “Social” communities if it’s more MMO like.

I’m not saying we don’t want to social but we are more selective who to social with. We prefer friends and guild mates and not a random player called “WhosYourDaddy” or “ILackedSelfEsteem” harassing our adventuring experience.

It’s very obvious in the Forum where you see people name calling, trying to put down people who have different opinion or insult others. This is also another reason why some of us prefer to have a solo mode (It can be online no issue but solo) so we don’t have to deal with such people.

I’m all for meeting people from our friend list and guild members in open map and have randoms ONLY in towns & World Bosses.

Blizzard can earn an additional few million by just having a “Solo/Private” option. Else a good number will just refund or skip this game. It’s not end of the world for Blizzard nor is it a problem for us. We will just bring our money elsewhere and its just a freaking game. A lot of us are just voicing our concerns and needs because we enjoy this Franchise. There is no hate. We have other real life concerns than hating a game that ultimately is just for entertainment.

Having a Private Option does not take away from other players who want a more social setting so i’m not sure what problem they have but i might miss out some points from their POV


Amen to all of that brother!

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After leveling my Necromancer to 25. I’ve decided to refund it. It doesn’t feel like a Diablo game and I’m constantly pulled out of my immersion.

The skill tree for most of the character class is not well thought of. The “Book of the Dead” mechanics isn’t that great and doesn’t really offer much variety.

The combat is fun but it gets stale after a while due to dungeon current design.
Players who likes MMO will probably enjoy this game more while the ARPG lovers will most probably stay with PoE.

Nutshell after 40+ hours of Diablo 4 Beta:

  • Not a game for me or the Old School ARPG lovers. People who plays for the Lore/Story will get annoyed as random players will pull you out of the immersion or just kill of your event boss; taking away your challenge.
  • Diablo 4 is an MMO masquerading as an ARPG. That’s fine. Blizzard is trying to widen their player base and attract more casuals.
  • Dev have choose to simplify Skills, Weapon & Stats Mechanics to make it more accessible
  • Not a game for people who have lot of real life commitments. No “Pausing”, fix time for World Boss
  • A lot of rubber band situations when you see a few other people in the map. It may due to the fact that this is beta and servers capacity is not sufficient
  • D4 feels like a Mobile ARPG + MMO port. Reminds me a bit of Diablo Immortal
  • Pretty sure this game will be successful at launch but i’m not confident with the player retention with the current design philosophy.
  • Expect a lot of players with fancy skin sticking up to your face and running around you to show off in future
  • The game balance/skill design will be improved after 2,3 years looking at D3 examples.

Really…not everyone does…I certainly don’t.


He’s been calling people who don’t want MMO aspect as anti social and throwing all type of insults. He is a lost cause. Don’t bother exchanging opinions with him. It’s one of those, my opinion is more important than yours because i am center of universe type of guys.


A PROPER MMO, yes. Not this wannabe Lost Ark garbage.

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MAybe then they’ll add a solo online like you can do with D3. I’ll take that as a compromise, honestly.

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They should either go all out with: World of Diablo or Diablo 4. Now we are stuck in-between and no one really happy :rofl:

I would not have pre-order World of Diablo as i’m retired from MMO genre since WoW.

quoting all of that because it needs to be. Well said, sir. Though, the man-child thing is a bit harsh. I live/work in a foreign country and have no GF/wife/kids/pet or friends here. I have work and my hobbies. I don’t think that qualifies me as a man-child.

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Sorry but i was just giving an example. Not trying to insult anybody but you get the idea.