DIABLO 4 - Bad Item and Character Power Design

Paragon boards are already leaked. They’re literally just base stats for 99.9% of them. More +dmg modifiers.

But I heard those +dmg modifiers are going to be pretty big.

Oh boy, we better listen to this obviously intelligent dev…(insert sarcasm). Don’t give up your day job OP, your “changes” are just straight up bad.

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First of all everyone wanted base stats but when they get base stats they are all “NOT LIKE THAT!” second of all it isn’t 99.9% of them. Each board after the first has a glyph socket and legendary, rare, and magic nodes that impact your build.

Thats what i did. And i made it till lvl 25 (beta) and lvl 20 at the slam (geared in blue and 1 yellow item… nonsense i had 4 yellows and the 1 legendary amulet from the story). First thing i did was to complete the story. Geared like that i fought Ashara as well. I compensated my poor starter gear with constantly doing damage underneath her. You dont need the best gear to have a good time for the content we actually have seen. But it helps a lot to understand the skills and try to make a proper build.

With time passing by you find better gear. I dont see a problem.

The beta was horrible and D 4 is going to be a joke they shouldn’t even call it diablo.

Diablo II is still miles and miles better than D3 and D4 will ever be.

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And a way increase its crit if you have more essence when you cast it, and a way to gain a damage buff when you crit a lot, and a way to gain max essence and essence on kill from the paragon board. Or if you want to go a different route, a way to increase its cost and damage, reduce cooldowns on bone skills when you spend essence, and increase damage vs distant enemies. And bone spear has less support than the blood, darkness, or corpse skills do.

Just changing the way an individual skill works doesn’t add much to build diversity. What adds to build diversity is adding ways to create synergy between skills and to mix and match across your skill tree. Are you playing bone spear with bone spirit and corpse explosion and generating essence with Reap and corpse consumption? You’ll need to increase your essence and essence regen and you’ll get a bunch of crit chance, so you want to use crit runes and crit damage affixes and so on.

The system is designed to be additive: you make choices that build on each other and refine the way you deal damage and defend yourself. Each bonus is a relatively small change, but as you stack them up you end up with a very different character than someone who is stacking differently. This is a lot more interesting that D3’s system where you have no real character building, just power increases and build swapping.

Golem gets 30% more hp and dmg, consuming corpses gives you 40% dmg. WOW BIG IMPACTS TO THE BUILDS!

Oh wait, more +dmg modifiers? Who knew?

This shows how oblivious you are. You would literally never played bone spirit and bone spear on the same build unless they added something drastic to the build. You also wouldn’t play reap with bone spirit. You likely wouldnt play CE with bone in general either, but possible. So everything you said is meaningless.

Bone spear is better for clearing, bone spirit better for elites. They both benefit from a lot of the same skills so there is synergy.

Reap is not ideal if you could otherwise stand at a distance, but eventually you shouldn’t need to use generates that often, so being able to walk in and generate a corpse every 5 seconds, explode it, then dodge and come back for more seems like it would better than standing around switching between bone shards and bone spear. I listed that build because it’s an option that you have that plays very differently from the obvious bone spear build.

They do not benefit from the same ‘skills’. This is not true at all. They also compete for the spender resource. The difference between them is likely not enough to justify two spenders in diablo 4. It’s not going to happen.

They both want rapid resource regen. There are 5 passives that benefit both of them. Any item with +bone skills benefits both of them.

There is some tension between spending essence to reduce the cooldown on bone spirit and not spending so you can have a bigger bone spirit. You also want to keep your essence above 50 for a bunch of the passives to work, which has tension with spamming bone spear. But that’s interesting. Whether you run bone spirit or not you have that tension with Bone Spear. Bone Spirit just also gives you a big blast you can drop now and then (which is usually wasted if it hits white mobs). Is it better than running bone storm or bone prison? Not sure, but it does seem like there are advantages for single-target damage. And this is exactly the kind of build diversity I’m talking about.

If you assume that every build has to have one generator, one spender, one movement/defense skill, one panic button, one other cooldown, and an ultimate, then sure it looks like each skill has only one way to play it. But most of the time you can double up on one or more of those based on the utility you get from other aspects of the class (e.g., necros need less movement / defense if they can keep their minions up) and that gives you options for how to play a build.

For example, Raxx was just on theorycrafting a Sorc build using chain lightning and he started out with the obvious stun synergies, then decided the fire bolt enchantment could be a good way to pull in some of the burning passives and ended up preferring that approach. It’s going to play quite differently that the crackling energy / stun damage build would and will want different equipment. And it was entirely achieved through the use of passives in the tree and codex powers.

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You’re wayyyy overcomplicating the simplicity of the builds in diablo. The only class with any interesting choices is sorc. Sorc is the best designed class by a large margin.

Also, you will not need a generator in every build, even though you have to waste 2 pts into one (which is a point of why the skill trees are trash). You will almost never have more than one spender if they’re both spammable, which they are. You won’t have an ultimate in every build (another downside to the limitation of skills that go on the bar and the tree design). Your only ‘choices’ are in utility after you pick a spender. Some of them aren’t even choices. Example, if you play shadow dmg on necro, you probably have to get both curses for the legendary that has +shadow dmg with both curses, which destroys your already slim bar for necro.

Necro is the only class that the spec has downsides. The skeleton and golem minion buttons take up to 2 slots on your already gimped 6 skill bar. No other spec in the game has a downside to their spec choices.

Sorc enchantments and their utility choices are the only ‘interesting’ class choices for builds.

Bone Spirit isn’t spammable. Not having an ult in every build = more diversity. Being able to mix and match spenders and utility = build diversity. There are choices that exist in the passives alone (or nearly so). There are choices that exist in the paragon boards. All the complaints you just laid out are true of D3 also, and they are worse there because the passive effects on skills (the runes) are all mutually exclusive rather than additive.

It’s certainly possible that a year from now, if nothing has been added to the game, eternal builds will have been figured out to the point where there are a few clearly best choices for each class. That’s how metas work. There will still be plenty of playable, interesting builds that are just slightly less efficient than the tuned meta builds. That’s because the tree has a ton of depth to it and the paragon system actually increases that depth rather than just adding power.

You can change those out for the sacrifice powers, so Necros get access to a set of passives just like Sorcs do, and they can choose to instead use those passives as active skills that generate and buff minions.

Just a simple tip: gameplay before criticism

Experience the game first-hand and THEN say what is lacking what’s not (not by previous experience, or comparison with others)

Let the game breathe in it’s own way, before “determination” of it’s spot

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It’s an ARPG. This is how ARPGs work… if you dont have the loot treadmill and farming for perfect drops this genre wouldn’t exist.

Sounds like you want to be able to completely build an OP toon in skill trees and eek out an extra 10% power from the items that drop. Nobody would even bother playing the game into endgame if that was the case.

Not sure where you get that… his ideas aren’t new as they’ve been used in rpg’s before, and i actually think they would vastly improve Diablo 4 if they were implemented.

i agree 100000000%. no idea why we got another iteration of items determining builds all over again, when that was a huge criticism from D3

and i thought it was gonna be like that this time around

i agree. move a portion of legendary powers to the skill tree

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those passives are 10x better on sorc and free. The passives on necros are trash and you lose serious power to do so, just to get your ability slots back. It’s the only spec that makes this tradeoff, period.