DIABLO 4 - Bad Item and Character Power Design

I mean it’s not interesting to me. That was my opinion. Meaning it too standardized and simple for me for find it interesting. But I do acknowledge that this is something easy for mass market appeal.

But how can you SAY its not interesting if you’ve literally NOT SEEN IT AT ALL?

That’s like going to a high-tier restaurant you’ve never eaten at, getting served a salad appetizer, not even seeing the menu yet and complaining ‘our meals aren’t tasty’ before ordering just based off the salad.

You don’t know what end-game is like. Perhaps wait until you see it before confidently exclaiming what it will be like and whether you’ll find it interesting.

I’ve seen enough to know how the rest is going to go. Im going to find it a simple game where as a lot of other people might think it’s complex. That’s how I view it.

This, so much this.

Should be the same for both “kinetic” weapon dmg users and spell casters.
Weapon should increase the dmg of their skills somewhat, through weapon DPS, a spellpower affix inherent to weapons, etc.
One of the mistakes in D2 for example, was how weapons mattered very differently for different types of builds, creating massive imbalances.

I guess you’re just the type who makes up their mind before seeing things, then by doing so, influences the way you ACTUALLY interpret what you see in order to bolster your own arrogance by feeling superior because ‘this system is easy, simpletons’.

I guess you can’t agree to disagree on things. And call me arrogant when I’ve been playing blizzard games for 30 years. They are more or less the same thing every time. Minor differences here or there but genuinely the same. Im not arrogant. I’m indifferent at best.

This is the reason that threw me off from buying D4: it has the same broken damage system than D3. It was really disappointing. I was hoping a good Diablo like they promised. That is lazy math, an hybrid function could have solved it so easily.
When I saw my level 20 Wizard was dealing ZERO damage with its lightning just because I removed the weapon I laughed to not cry.

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Blizzard needs to move away from the fundamentally safe model of only using +dmg +def modifiers on everything. It’s what they do in WoW because it’s super easy to balance/tweak those scaling numbers.

It’s SUPER boring, bland, and shallow. They are predetermining what your builds will be with how they itemize so that they can balance around it easier. If you choose to use bone spear as your spender, you just put on the legendaries that give +dmg to bone spear. There is no choice there, they are the only choices…it’s an illusion. Same thing with the passives in the skill tree…are you playing bone spirit…wow coincidentally there’s one passive in the bone spear section that instead lets you get +max essence. That’s not a choice, it’s what you have to play.

They need to be adding much more design into changing how abililties perform completely, even generically. Example, legendary that is “all projectiles now split into 3 when fired”. This opens up thinking and options because this impacts each projectile differently.

This game has less build diversity than diablo 3, less skill options than diablo 3. Instead of 5 skill runes, you get 2 in this game to choose between.

This is one of the main problems I stated way back when. The skill tree is lackluster because many of the interesting skill decisions have been moved to item drops. I hate that they have done this. It would be nice to see a wider selection of skills available on the skill tree, as well as more ways to upgrade/customize them directly, rather than hope to find X item that will support the playstyle you want, or force you to change your playstyle to use the legendary you found.

The skill tree and itemization that D4 has done is simply a continuation of D3’s implementation, and makes for a piss-poor experience down the line. Overall, I am really surprised at how much D4 is lacking given its development time. Is it polished? Sure. But it has no depth, and the paragon boards won’t save it.

Diablo has always been first and foremost a loot based ARPG. Getting new gear is the entire motivation for playing, so it has to be the most important aspect of every build.

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Gear is better when it accentuates the build you have chosen to play, not telling you which build to play. Having more player agency over their character is important. This doesn’t have to be “gear is useless, you can play the game naked” kind of changes, but massive skill improvements should not be exclusive to items.

The AH was fine. Their ideology that drops had to be straight up trash because of it was just wrong. They could have slightly upped the drop rates and listened to feedback till they hit a sweet spot and kept the AH in. The RMT AH would have probably needed to go though because of the tax laws that were implemented. I don’t think they wanted to cut a 1099 for everyone that made sales.

No. The AH was bad, is actively works against the core of what Diablo and other aRPGs are about: killing monsters to get loot. When you bypass your game with a different “feature”, your feature is not a good inclusion.

It just improves trade and cuts out the RMT like D2JSP quite a bit. AH is perfectly fine as long as it uses in game currency.

I fundamentally disagree, and don’t think an Auction House is needed , nor wanted by the majority of players, and having it will only make the game worse, whether it is real money, or in-game currency.

AH had a cap so limited the RMT aspect of buying gold. D4 AH would just need to be implemented in a way where it was the only method of trading anything. Like nobody could trade gold or items to each other except under one circumstance. Party member while something drops could trade items amongst each other. Even better would be in the AH didn’t list the seller’s name.

Isn’t wanting a specific item for a specific build the basis of why Diablo was so fun? Hunting for items? In the meantime, just go with builds that work for you or if you want, the buffs to builds that your items give to you.

It’s a game intended for farming, carrot on a stick is good.

Improving trade is the problem because it short-circuits the item curve. If 2000 people get 100 random rare+ drops in a day of play, on average one of them finds a 1 in 200000 drop. If there’s a 1/4 chance they put it up for trade, then for every 8000 people interacting with trade, there’s at least one new item available each day that is so rare it might take you six years to find it solo.

If you only see trade offers from the people who happen to be in your instance or actively trading at the same time as you, that might limit your exposure to only 80 or 100 people. They can push you out on the curve by a few months if you get all the best items over a couple weeks of trading. If you have to trade them stuff you found or traded for (like pskulls or runes or sojs), then it reduces your trading pool farther and it pulls some of your accumulated power away, which you have incentive to replace.

If you can see offers from everyone in the whole world and then spend real money or even just a highly liquid currency like in-game gold, then you are going to completely kill your own ability to ever find a new item because you will be selling every decent item to try to afford the obscenely good items available in the AH

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The exposure doesn’t matter. The flow of currency is the limiter. Rare items will be offered for max currency which would be time determined by the limit by exposure to currency.

Oi Vei,

The skill tree is lackluster because many of the interesting skill decisions have been moved to item drops. I hate that they have done this. It would be nice to see a wider selection of skills available on the skill tree, as well as more ways to upgrade/customize them directly, rather than hope to find X item that will support the playstyle you want, or force you to change your playstyle to use the legendary you found.

That’s how I feel. That’s what made D2 fun for me. D3 I felt I was on rails like I was a baby showing me that I have the basic skill, Spender, Defensive skill, Get of Hell skill, and ultimate with huge cooldowns.
Last Beta, Druid Wolves were useless but if I find an item to change them to werewolves, they are so much better, Took a while to get that item and be comfortable for that build. Wolves hit like paper and died like they were fire kindle.