Diablo 3 feels better

I’m enjoying D4 as well but I also have my opinions about it.

I really think they should add a “sandbox mode” to the game. A game mode where you don’t need to do any campaign / quests to unlock content.

The questing is ok the first few times but I know as I play a few ladder seasons / die a few times on hardcore mode, I don’t want to go through a 12H+++ campaign. I just want to login, kill, loot, and gain levels. It’s not about the time it takes to level up, it’s more about what I am doing to level up. I’m not a fan of questing, I want to focus on the action but it appears that isn’t an option because some content will be locked.


I wonder if there will be enough combined D2 fanboys and PoE converts to keep this game afloat. I can’t imagine many who prefer D3 will stick with it.


Think it will get “smoother” at maxlevel with gear etc, D3 isn’t very fast paced 1-70.


OMG noooo, Immortal is complete trash


Don’t compare D4 to Lost Ark, Lost Ark does it better than D4! :smiley:



Yeah toattttttttttallllly! Like how you can’t tp to team as easily as you can in d3? Or you feel like you’re playing an mmo not a classic Diablo adventure rng grind? Or how the teleporters town portal waypoints system is completely useless? But heyyyyy they added mounts! And boy oh boy that skill tree is so brain bustingly intricate and detailed and interesting, isn’t it!? And just incase you don’t get it, I agree with op, so far 15lvls and over 12 hours of queue disconnect play queue disc queue play play play, D3 was wayyyyyy better more addicting season and I’m not saying it doesn’t have room for improvement but d4 eh so far lack luster. Graphics dope. Hair flip dope. Physics dope. But Nah, overall, especially for $70 or more many improvements needed, many systems deserve deleting, does it have the potential to be great sure, but like op says at this point we’re prlly talking another year before they get this close to as addicting as D3. I’d bet on another delayed launch or another steal as much money from people as possible with season passes and expansions while we finish making a game we released too early because we had a sexual harassment lawsuit and our legal fees were too high and our executives were too distracted to ensure we actually deliver quality product to our fan base, but hey that Microsoft buyout might happen and we always have COD……. SMH blizzard, git gud!


This makes me want to play poe in spite of its gross monetization

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What exactly makes combat better? Or movement better? Or world? Or mobs? Or loot? All these aspects are shaite in D4 when compared to D3. Combat better? Where? Standing still and shooting at mobs? Movement better? Where? Moving around without any tempo like in Diablo 3? World better? Where? Long walks without purpose? Mobs better? Where? Static bosses offering 3 minute battles where the boss keeps doing the same loop? Loot better? Where? All you get are flat items that doesn’t change the game play and you just equip them if they have a green color meaning it’s an upgrade? lol


There i fixed it :smile:


No, this is a terrible take and completely false.


Op that’s your opinion and it’s wrong. D4 is much better than D3 at launch.


You are comparing a 10+ years of Live Game Updates for D3 with … Beta for D4? Do you want me to look up for D3 Open Beta and see the differences?

Aside of that, D4 has a lot more depth into it than D3. It feels way more engaged and focused than D3. The animations, the sounds are top notch too. Yes, D3 has also very good animation, hence, why they said they took it from D3.

But no, D3 is not better. Is a good game but is not better. It has lots of limitations. Deal with it.


I would say it feels like D1 fell in love with Diablo Immortal and had a child that they ported to a Lost Ark Console version.


D3 has been recognized amongst the ARPG community as a steaming pile of crap. D4 is in beta and is heaps better already. I think D3 fans need to go back to their troll caves.


I really enjoy D4.

I feel it more immersive and all dungeons are well integrated into the terrain.

Yes it is different from D3, as D2 was different from D2 and D2 different from D1.

For your combat feeling, please keep in mind that you are very low level right now. The rhythm always accelerate as your lvl goes up.

From my first contact I am confident that D4 roots are very solid.


Keep in mind that D3 on release was limited to Act1, to hide how shallow and unfinished the rest of the game was. I am not seeing anything here that would make me feel different about it sadly. It also looks and feels like a cheap console port which isn’t helping my perception of it.

Quit crying and go play something else already. You are in the minority.

You did not play D3 at launch. Zero chance if you think D3 at this stage (beta) was in this shape. Time will tell when they unlock the next difficulties. Hopefully they have learned from their mistakes w/ D3.

Everyone has preferences so you opinions are just that…opinions. To me, D4 is starting out leagues above D3. The only concern I have right now is itemization. It’s ‘okay’, but lets see where that goes. Obviously we aren’t seeing everything so a healthy dose of skepticism is needed. However, I haven’t seen any J Wilson red flags, either.

The story is FAR more engaging than butterflies and unicorns. It’s grim…and that’s exactly how it should be. The combat is fluid for a beta. There are some technical issues, but launch is months away. For a quick trial beta, I’m fairly confident they are on the right track (lots of work to do…don’t get complacent Blizz).


Who cares who agrees with who. If you dont like the game, youre free to play something else.

The same as People who like D4 are free to like it and play it.



I wish I could like this comment more. The first time I saw those foot prints, I thought “this is lost ark resurrected”

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