Devs you want me to use Basic skills?

Then take them off the same global as my core and mastery skills. If my core and master skills do more damage, and a basic skill shares the same animation, then it is NEVER beneficial to press a basic skill ever. Theres no reason to use them. They don’t give me resources. I’m already full. They don’t debuff anything or add anything of value to make up the deficit for the lost casts.

And it’s not just basic skills. It’s every skill. I will ONLY use one because it does more than everything else, and its a loss to push the button for any other reason.

There is zero synergy. FFS. The immortal devs figured out tornado + fire spell = firestorm. x + y = z. D4 devs havent figured out how to make skills combine into something better than the initial inputs. x + y < x + x. Why use y? It’s taking a defensive or buff skill off my bar. It has no synergy skill points. It has no combined effect that equals something greater than the components. Firebolt + firewall was the first time I’d seen them even try.

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