d4 players - We want to see devs playing the game!
Devs upload videos of it.
also d4 players - wtf, cringe video omg omg
I too play co-op tier 1 dungeon at level 50 and spam basic attack the whole way and then die.
The devs could give the most vocal complainers everything the player wanted and there would still be “f you devs you didn’t give me sprinkles too” flood of comments.
So they’re level 50, world Tier 1, barely gaining experience (seriously look at the exp bar the whole time, it barely moves). Who thought this was a good idea?
Thrown under the bus by the very company that wants to take no responsibility for their own mistakes.
Bro, are these the devs of the game? What is happening?
The quality of the game is a whole lot less shocking when you realize most of the team is exactly similar.
lvl 50 on WT1… and she died… OMG!
So they played for 10 minutes… Sounds legit!
lmfao I would be so embarrassed to be the singer designer at dungeons and die on world, tier 1 and level 50 I never played world tier 1 I started directly off on world, tier 2
Just confirms what most of us figured out. They have no experience with their video game.
Start watching at the 5 minute mark. Also, note that the potions were at 8/9 five minutes earlier. I’m not sure I have an explanation. Lol, are there like 20 unused ability points?
Should not have shown us who is responsible for the dungeon design. I don’t want anyone to be fired, but could you please move her to another game. Thank you.
Welp, that explains a lot.
video already have massive down vote
168 like vs 542 downvote
they hype how the game look good np but the issue is the gameplay is just so bad
the art of the game never be the issues
Something else to note from the video, one of them has one wife more than the majority of us.
This is a massive facepalm for them. IF you are going to post a video at least make sure its grounded in reality of what players are experiencing. And dont post a video of you dying at LV 50 in world tier 1. That is just what the what what
Is that even legal in the United States to have more than one wife?