Developers dont play the game

Why do you NOT GET ANY of the same materials for masterworking items, that you need in the beginning , past tier 30? It just changes to Ingols or whatever ? And you dont get the blue obol things anymore

This makes masterworking a failure . And makes the pit a repetitive grind

Why the hell does it increase stats on a tempered stat and not a main stat? So im supposed to masterwork the item all the way, and then brick it after by tempering it and getting bad RNG?

Bad gameplay loop

And i actually enjoyed the Pit . Until i realized i have to play T29 repeatedly for Mats just to go back to t30 and play the same thing again, just for different mats

Thus increases the time consuming and decreases the fun

Unennoyable repeitiveness for me


It should drop the tier 1 mat ontop of the tier 2 mat in the next tier.

Chain running tier 29 is not really fun when you faceroll it completely


They are playing Helldivers 2

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Seriously how could this make it past PTR? I have to farm t29 like a bot to upgrade my items that im going to brick by tempering, or if i tempered first because that seems like the best thing to do, and seems like how you sre supposed to do it…

Oh wait i wasted my mats on a bricked item that boosted my tempered stats instead of my main stats

So now i got plus movement speed from pit materials instead of plus life or literally anything else thats a main stat

And materials are wasted and then what its back to t29 repeatedly like a bot just to screw my item up again and then , yay i finally got my item ready i can go play t30 and up

But then i never ever get the mats i need ever again until i go back to spending time endlesdly bot farming t29

See you on season 5 if you figure out how to make your lame materials farming 1 click the boss game more fun somehow

Helltides good atleast but then once you masterwork your items your so strong even helltide 110 is like wt1

Boring bc too easy and not fun bc too repetitive

I actually liked playing the Pits in hardcore til i realized there was an endless timesink at t29 for materials that i dont want to play just to get to t30 and need more

It turns out you can make the material at the alchemist with transmute.

I just learned about it 2 minutes ago.


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Damn i definitely never saw that and maybe ill want to play more if i can just play t30 because at t35 the bosses were too getting a litle strong but at t30 it was reasonable and easier. Making it possible but not very enticing to want to play if im just not getting enough materials at all

But there is a cache for each mat.

so you can sit in the highest stagtes and then just transmute down the mats

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Ahh maybe i will play it a little more then , just spam t29 til im upgraded and then transmute them eventually . Its still a regression of progress tho when u need so many of the blue ones and then u just dont get anymore

They gotta decrease the materials requirements cuz even if in clearing the Pit quickly it gets old fast . Less drops, less items , less fun and just feels like im stuck in the Pit to upgrade anything

Need to make these marerials come from elsewhere too and not just the pit

I want the Pit to atleast upgrade my glyphs why is this all soo time consuming

Just want to play the game the way that is fun and not be forced into gameplay loop that isnt

Legion events and world bosses needs matchmaking instead of timers and better rewards

Just a lot of diablo 4 chores

I waited a whole year for Necro to finally be good.

So i am just enjoying this very much

But yes, it’s a lot of different grinding and chores.

But very similar to games like Black desert, Blade & soul and such

These systems might be yarring if it’s you first time with them tho

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Yeah i definitely liked playing a good necro but now its broken and will definitely get nerfed into oblivion soon



That’s basically the fundamental formula of the game. :smiley: The wise veterans claim you’re simply not a fan of the ARPG genre.

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If they make any changes what so ever, I will simply uninstall and never look at the game again, Simple as that.

I waited a year for them to get their cheese sorted, if they want to walk it back after finally fixing it, then they’ve lost the little respect i had left for em

Cata classic incoming any way, was fun for a week at least :slight_smile:

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Every bullet fired is a freedom seed planted in the hearts of our enemies!
