Demon Hunter (Bring It To D4 Please)

We need the Demon Hunter added to diablo 4, people say it wont and can’t happen because the Rogue Class does what a demon hunter does or as close to it as we are going to get. But I disagree the rogue isnt even close, and to boot is quite honestly no fun.

I have tried all classes and none of them have stuck out and made me think, YES this is a bit of me this is. Diablo 4 quite LITERALLY puts me to sleep, If it was not for the fact D3 does not have controller support I would of already gone back to it.

What are the chances i can get my Multishot & Rapid Fire Builds back the way they should work ???


We could use some mix-class, true. Something like aggressive melee or ranged with supportive spellcasting, but with its own style.

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Rogue needs a rework, too much clicking. Not fun.

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No “we” do not but keep on asking if you think they should do what you want.


Frankly all I think should happen is just replace Rapid Fire with Arrow Storm

RF won’t work cause the game no longer has viable “single target” builds, and Arrow Storm can be a nice/interesting CC/range-support casting skill :slight_smile:

You better be careful, OP

The ‘three’ on this forum who don’t tolerate suggestions and new skills will come type out how bad you are at the game with an assumed authority mindset, and tell you that ARPGs may not ’ be for you '.


I’m for you, Usurper. I like the Demon Hunter and the Monk, and I feel that if they can add them to the game it would be an improvement.

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considering the next class will be a spiritborn id say its next to zero for the close future.

that being said, i personally dont miss the dh from d3


Lol now I’m curious, which three are these?

@USURPER - In order for this to work they would have to rework how Rogue currently works to be an agility melee class instead of the hybrid it is now. Then you could introduce the agility ranged class instead. Sadly I doubt Blizzard would ever do this.

I too liked the DH in D3, was my go-to until the Necromancer came out, then I switched periodically between the two. Builds were fun, and hilariously overpowered for just clearing screens of enemies.

I like rapid fire. I think it’s fun. I miss multiple fire and the wards.

As long as it’s not an automatic rifle class like in Diablo 3. This isn’t Bayonetta.

Since we already have a rogue, there are probably other classes that could be made first.

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I like it too but there’s no place for it in the game. If a skill doesn’t have AoE it’s useless, that’s the way they made it

I want a Cleric class. Focuses on blunt weapons, shields, chain robes armor, more caster oriented than the paladin and crusader were.

That “warrior priest” theme from Warhammer would fit nicely with Diablo, as a natural evolution from the crusaders and paladins.


The differences as I see it:

Combat Style:

  • Demon Hunter (Diablo 3): Primarily specializes in ranged combat using bows, crossbows, and other ranged weapons. Their gameplay revolves around kiting enemies, maintaining distance, and unleashing devastating barrages of arrows or bolts.
  • Rogue (Diablo 4): Offers a hybrid combat style, capable of seamlessly switching between ranged and melee attacks. They wield a variety of weapons, including bows, dual-wielded weapons, and swords, allowing for versatile engagement with enemies.

Thematic Background:

  • Demon Hunter (Diablo 3): Portrayed as a relentless hunter of demonic forces, driven by vengeance and fueled by a personal vendetta against the minions of Hell. Their abilities and narrative revolve around demon-slaying, survival in a world consumed by darkness, and the use of shadow magic.
  • Rogue (Diablo 4): Emphasizes agility, precision, and adaptability in combat. The Rogue’s narrative centers around their mastery of martial skills, shadow magic, and traps, positioning them as cunning and resourceful fighters who excel at navigating dangerous environments and outsmarting their enemies.

Rogue needs a unique Crossbow. And something actually good for a change.

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Many classes could make a return, but…

Diablo I: Warrior
Diablo I Hellfire: Monk & Bard (Unlockable class)

Diablo II: Amazon & Paladin
Diablo II LoD: Assassin

Diablo III: Demon-Hunter, Witch Doctor, Monk
Diablo III RoS: Crusader

Personally, I would prefer a new class, it would be even interesting to see how Bard could be played in Sanctuary, the only game in which I saw an interesting game play with a Bard class was Final Fantasy XIV. A Diablo franchise version would be much darker.

The problem I see with the DH is that this class was loved or hated, I liked the DH but not as much as I liked the Diablo I Rogue, Diablo II Amazon or the Diablo IV Rogue.

Regarding the class game play, it was a mix of Rogue/Amazon & the Assassin
Lore wise, the Demon-Hunter’s camp(s) was located in the Dreadlands, they could have learned to master Bows and Crossbows from the Askari of the Citadel which isn’t far from there and their traps skills obviously comes from Natalya’s teaching.
Some legendary items used by the Demon-Hunter were typically/traditionally used by Rogues of the Citadel: Eun-Jang-Do, Karlei’s Point, Windforce, (…)

Not that I wouldn’t like the Demon-Hunter to come back, if so, I would like the class to have its own identity, Defensive, Hunting and Devices Skills fit very well with the class but I would like a major rework on the other skills to make it fit within Diablo IV.


The Needler hasn’t been re-edited since the 90’s, it would be nice to have Crossbow with a fast attack speed.
The Pus Spitter could bring something interesting for the Poison Damage.

Even a new unique Crossbow is very welcome.

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Why do people constantly feel the need to identify with fictional characters?

It’s funny that you mention rapidfire as it’s probably the most braindead and boring playstyle for a bow wielding character I’ve ever tried…

Same here, I liked the class, but I really don’t miss it.

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I gigling whole text till I reached to this when I finally lol :smiley:

Classic console enjoyer :smiley: