Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

I’ve ran this extensively, and it doesn’t work nearly as well as one would think.

The problem with it is that it doesn’t apply to all your healing, it only applies if you let yourself lose HP, then replenish it. So when I’m in the middle of a mob and my health never drops because I’m constantly lifestealing, it has no effect at all. But if I let my HP drop to near death, then heal it all back, that’s the only time it actually replenishes your resource, lol. It’s pretty terrible, honestly.

Yeah. They desperately need ways to mitigate CC outside of skills. Right now, so many skill slots are occupied by CC negating skills simply because it’s entirely necessary. This isn’t fun and pigeonholes characters into using the same skills.

Even aspects like, “For every enemy you slay, gain 10% reduced crowd control duration for 5 seconds.” or whatever. At least that would allow people to build something other than the same 4 skills on characters like the barb and druid, and more like 2 skills on the rogue.