Day 2 of asking for the Druid Loot Tables to be hotfixed

This is a major issue for any druid trying to gear up. This shouldn’t be a “We’ll fix it before season 1” this should be a “We’ll fix it with a hotfix”. Stop focusing all of your manpower on nerfing every dungeon that provides some sort of fun while leveling and start focusing on making the game f’ing playable for everyone. This sort of issue should be hotfixed, not included in a major patch. If I find one more damn barbarian unique instead of a druid item I’ll probably kick a puppy or punch a kitten.

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I stopped playing my druid instead of kicking a puppy.

But yeah, that’s insane how low priority this seems to get compared to nerfing every mob pack density in the world.

What is actually broken in the Druid loot table, like specifically which items aren’t dropping?

I’ve wanted to stop playing my druid until it’s fixed but I’m 80 already and leveling another character is more miserable than continuing on this.

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you’d just get more crone staves anyways :wink:

It’s not a matter of certain items not dropping, it’s the fact that barbarian uniques are included in the table and drop far more frequently than druid uniques. As an example I have a stash tab for uniques. Currently have 8 barbarian uniques and 4 druid uniques

Yikes, that would put me on full tilt, time to put a pause on my druid.

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It would be nice if I could get just one. Tempest Roar and Crone isn’t dropping but I have at least 3 Hellhammers

Why are you still asking? They already said they’re aware of it and that it will be fixed before Season 1 starts.

We’re not in season 1 yet, so yes fixing this is less of a priority than fixing the core gameplay.

I understand your frustration, barb codex was disabled for a week. However i knew they would get it done before it actually mattered. Ill admit i did complain abit too.

They are most likely working on the nightmare dungeon balances along with gems being materials etc. This effects the entire population of the game. So im sorry to say but this is lower on the priority list atm, as it should be.

Now if we were mid season and something effected a class severely that is different.

Yeah, I hear you. Stopped at lvl 75. If you have some really high level friends, you could ask them to power level you so that you could be lvl 50 in a matter of hours (unless they patched that capstone dungeon power leveling technique).

I mean, in the end, this is only on unique items, so it’s not too bad…