Just tried the Dark Citadel with my wife, and was met with a “This content does not support local co op” message. Seriously? Blizzard stated at least two players are needed, but I never heard them say excluding local co op players. Is this a bug? Cause if its not, I believe many players were mislead.
There was never a discussion about local coop. I was hoping that would be an option, but i’m not surprised it isn’t. I probably won’t be participating since i don’t have an active ps+ subscription.
Yeah me and my wife are having the same problem with this, really hurts me as a long term d4 player. It’s really the only game me and my wife enjoy playing together it would seem my main season journey is probably gonna be over soon even though I loved this new dlc but if I can’t play that with her I’m just not playing the game period
Same we were looking forward to this new content, bait and switch for sure…
And you can’t even join others to do the content, purely restricted if playing coop
Wow that is really disappointing…I wasn’t aware of that…
This was one of the things I was looking to try out with my partner when we reached that point. It is very disappointing that it even if it was sold as a co-op feature, those of us who play local co-op are locked out of it.
Please add local co op to the Dark Citadel. This is the only reason I even play the game, as it allows my family to play together.
It would be the same as the rest of the game.
We count as 1 player so that we cannot do the Citadel solo, as it wouldn’t work due to the mechanics - but count as 2 players in a party. This is working in every other method of the game, not sure why you would decide to exclude the new content.
I’m in the same boat. My wife and I were disappointed we couldn’t play this mode.
Frustrating mercenaries don’t have so much AI that they can stand on platforms so solo would be possible
It’s more shocking that couch coop is really that much ignored by blizzard
Ok we don’t have split screen so we can’t play without another player BUT EVEN IF YOU FIND OTHER PEOPLE TONOLAY WITH IN PARTY , YOU CAN’T JOIN THE CITADELL
that’s just insane …why can’t 2 in couch coop plus 1 or 2 further players…or 2 couch coop teams open the citadel
Even most bugs appear in this mode.no one runs on the quality assurance on a console with 2 controllers…
Even a single person could do this for testing and finding So.many bugs
Like kurast undercity
All spirit brazier based quests…only finished for one of the 2 players…the one opening the portal.
So you just do in couch coop every spirit brazier based fight in the undercity twice to finish the story line
Beside this still no fix for infernal hordes and nightmare dungeons
If both players die…the revive costs 2 stacks of your life counter…
Regular 2 player in non couch coop just revive the strongest clear the area and then manually revive the other one…1 revive on counter saved…
Could it be that hard to let one person play the game in qa with 2 controllers…
Else.Just read my posts…
Yeah this is extremely disappointing. Makes me feel like couch coop isn’t a fully supported feature of this game. Definitely reconsidering future purchases for console.
Ho appena messo un post anche io, cioè io praticamente ho comprato il gioco per giocare in coop locale con mia moglie e ora scopro che molte cose nn posso farle soprattutto lend game… visto che nn ho intenzione di pagare il plus per giocare online con gente sconosciuta…
Dovrebbero trovare una soluzione …
I agree, me and wife really enjoy co op and it is the only reason we bought the game
This is really the BIG KICK IN THE PICKLE! Even if you are playing couch co op which they can’t figure out I figured we would be able to play with a friend on a PC which would be considered the ‘second’ player.
NOPE they left couch co op out to dry. There is no way we can participate in the new content at all … I watched the campfire chats nothing was mentioned. I have read a lot about this BEFORE I purchased the expansion nothing was mentioned … money back anyone?
Thanks for the information and this completely sucks. Me and wife were having a decent time and looking forward to possible raid together.
This essentially kills the rest of the season, if not for the long term for us.
Boo, we’re in the same deflated state where we were excited to play co-op together. On another gripe, why doesn’t Blizzard offer the pre-purchase cosmetics for couch co-op accounts? Heck even a reduced cost cosmetics package would suffice.
I digress. Offer us an opportunity to let us play together, please.
I can only assume it’s because one of the play mechanics in one of the levels requires one player to be in one realm and another player to be in another realm working together to defeat the boss.
Yeah but why can’t a local couch coop party join another player / party and enter the citadel…this should be at least possible…
But it’s not
Yeah, it’s really disappointing that this expansion has no love for couch coop players letting us out of two of the major endgame activities.
We can’t play dark citadel and only one of the two players gets the rewards for Kurast undercity.
I hope they fix this because for many of us that play local coop all the time they are charging us for something we can’t even play.
Very disappointed, me and my wife were very much enjoying the new season but then found out we cannot do this unless one logs out and finds a group and we trade off like that. Seems so weird that the only explicitly co-op dungeon doesn’t allow local co-op players.
This is so devastating. Love playing this, and so do my mum and dad. Bought the game advertised as a 2player game. Have been able to do so many things together. Now we can’t play the end game content. What’s the point in the purchase? It’s super frustrating that Blizzard haven’t taken into consideration their console players or their casual players. Not everyone likes getting insulted by strangers when trying new things. Standard Toxic Blizzard behaviour is evident in trade chat all of the time, and is in no way enticing to want to join a bunch of strangers. So gutted about this delevopment