D4 sold 10+ million copies and made over 1 billion dollars. That means it is a successful game

How is this thread still alive I haven’t been here in months.

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I was wondering the same. I saw when this was posted and was wondering why it was still going lmao.

Welcome back!

Its been interesting months :popcorn:

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haha lol! welcome back =D

Calls me 12 years old buuut

Gets mad at people for necroing a thread, then keeps posting in thread.

Tell me youre 12

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Told you this necro was truly powerful.

guess i hit a nerve there =D

i wasnt mad at you for necroing a thread.

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Nyurei really hates it when people necro threads. I would know <3

Which is really weird they haven’t had this thread closed. Maybe they can try harder? I donno

It’s going in 3 2 1 :dash:

well, its weekend. thats the time where most trolls crawl out of their caves =)


id imagine around 0900 pst lyricanna will be closing this thread. ofcourse i cant see the future, but im pretty good at guessing

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he’s not alone, enemies just appearing out of nowhere. cmon give me a break. they ruined this franchise.

hehe, The way things are today, They could market new and improved doggie doo, And make record profits.

Hey, the thread is still open? Neat.

Whoever rezzed this post should be forced to be the Necromancer beta test lead in PTR or they get account banned.


What ever happened to Singularity anways?!?!!?


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Did you just seriously click on like the last page of the forum and hit reply. Topics dead homie.

Yes and no. Any game that makes back its budget or a little more can be technically classed as successful. For online only games that are built to be a live service concurrent players is what matters. You’re throwing a lot of people behind a project that’s supposed to last for years but as we see with Suicide Squad and this game, this one being nowhere near as severe as far as I know, players simply didn’t like it. They bounced. Sadly because of all the imbeciles who pre ordered and bought macro transaction crap Blizzard, and other companies, will continue they think they can keep shoveling half baked or bad products onto the market because there’s more suckers than there are intelligent people. Suicide Squad just happened to rely on a fan base that’s very picky, and if you screw up bad enough they can and will drop you like a diseased brick. I’d love to know what D4’s current numbers are like.

You know what also sold a lot of copies? The Ford Pinto.

You Necros need to stick to minions and stop raising these dead threads.