D4 Proposal 18 - 100 Skeletons - Army of the Dead

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Pledge of Azhir

3 Skeletal Mages become Skeletal Warriors.
[2 - 5]

Sofina’s Garden

75% of Skeletal Warriors are now passively risen from the ground.
[50 - 100]%

Horn of Death

x2 maximum Skeletal Warriors while:
• Army of the Dead is equipped.
• Army of the Dead is active.
[1 - 3]

The Tharchioness

x2% Skeletal Warrior damage for every active Skeletal Warrior.
[1 - 3]%


Summary: The more Skeletal Warriors, the better.
Gameplay: Equip Army of the Dead. Activate when encountering an Elite.
Pledge of Azhir: Transforms up to 5 Skeletal Mages into Skeletal Warriors.
Sofina’s Garden: Upto 100% of Skeletal Warriors are passively risen from the ground.
Horn of Death: Up to (5 + 2 + 3 + 2) x3 = 12 x3 = 36 Skeletal Warriors when Army of the Dead is equipped. Up to (5 + 2 + 3 + 2) x9 = 12 x9 = 108 Skeletal Warriors when Army of the Dead is active.
The Tharchioness: Up to 3% x 36 Skeletal Warriors = 108% when Army of the Dead is active. Up to 3% x 108 Skeletal Warriors = 324% when Army of the Dead is active.


Dungeons and Dragons : Azhir Kren

Azhir’s army was rescued by Szass Tam.

She pledged her unfailing allegiance to the lich during his attempt to ascend as High Regent of Thay.


Dungeons and Dragons : Sofina

Sofina was an undead human wizard and member of the Red Wizards of Thay in the late 14th and 15th centuries DR.

She was an apprentice of Szass Tam, the Zulkir of Necromancy and later Regent of Thay

Lady Sofina owned a gated and fenced townhouse

The fence surrounded the property with rose beds planted alongside the walkway to the front door.

The townhouse’s back window opened to the formal gardens surrounding a stone fountain.


Dungeons and Dragons : Horn of beckoning death

The horn of beckoning death was a powerful magic item created by the lich Szass Tam, Zulkir of Necromancy and the Regent of Thay, to invoke a spell of necromancy known as the Beckoning Death in order to turn mass numbers of people into his undead servants


Dungeons and Dragons : The Tharchioness

Dmitra Flass, also known unofficially as the First Princess of Thay or The Tharchioness, was the Tharchion of Eltabbar within the realm of Thay.



  • Ring
    • PNG: https://i.ibb.co/TTn81CD/ring-dead-4.png
  • Scythe Hook
    • PNG: https://i.ibb.co/FVj1CWj/scythe-hook.png
  • Skull Snail
    • PNG: https://i.ibb.co/BwDBsDT/skull-1746159-640-1.png
    • Source 1: https://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/566750/85104915.png
    • Source 2: https://i.ibb.co/DLVDqQ2/2e045951af9a2b712c0cb7a2d7dfa517.jpg
    • Source 3: https://i.ibb.co/HCWSpMm/9197295a314ec4201d04974e6ed05eaa.jpg
  • Hand Eye Blade
    • PNG: https://i.ibb.co/ZKrG22g/hand-eye-blade.png
    • Source : https://blademag.com/knifemaking/its-alive-the-living-knife-by-jean-marc-laroche-will-grab-you-literally

Who cares, they get instantly deleted in WT4 NM150.

Let’s just add this to your list of sparkly vampire ideas that will never be implemented.

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Not necessarily implemented, but they can be derivated, which is enough IMHO.

After all, it is simply reflection material to engage a discussion.

Who cares if they are instantly respawned ?

In addition, devs could implement Damage Reduction options for Skeletons.