D4 is Being Treated as a Mature Live-Service Game When it Desperately Needs More Content

The Uber Boss fights are actually pretty good when you are at their level or below when you are still leveling. But they don’t scale with you so before long it becomes too easy since you raise in power so fast in the game.

Dare I say an expansion would help. I started another barb and the paragon leveling is fun. You get to 100, then you can achieve higher NM dungeons so you can say you did or you can try to “farm” super rare lottery things doing the same things over and over again to get the mats for the right to the chance at the lottery.

Need more things to do little buddies.

Is a drag really Im currently lvl 86 and I dont want to continue on anymore this season. I played D2 for 20 years and dont think I ever made it past lvl 95, Id always find an item that opened up another class and Id make alts.

Imo- D4 is great until around lvl 50-60 when the story ends and its just RNG areas after that. I wish they would have dragged the story out to be finished at around lvl 75. 25 levels left to max is plenty to run the random dungeon and odd events and non existant content they provide.

Makes me wonder once Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal make an appearance if we will be able to even run those bosses. For me thats what really make this game unsatisfying, just open up all bosses to be able to be ran and dont lock them behind finding mats, make sure all bosses can drop all items like all the other Diablo games do for the most part.

Totally agree with this.

The misguided notion that the game has to start at max level, and needing to reach it as fast as possible, is the silly source of most complaints with the game, in my opinion. People skip or delete the entire game for themselves then complain that there is nothing to do.

I’ve been having lots of fun on way to 100 in every season, taking my time doing whatever I feel like (“playing inefficiently”), and am close to done with everything by the time I get to 100.

The campaign should be repeatable and should be a thing on WT3/4. IDK how D4 ended up not doing that. It’s insane.

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paragon board is boring, just some stuff to click around. what we need are items which change how our skills work and less ui clicking and aspect swapping. aspects are nothing special, you can have all of them by lvl30. but there is not much more in this game, once you have all aspects you are done.

also seasonal content is stupid, who asked for it? just constantly expand the endgame for high lvl chars, no need for reset. instead add more classes and skill diversity, so replaying is fun.

There really isnt any end game content.

You have done everything by the time you hit 100.


The uniques already do this and if they lean too far into that it starts to turn into D3. I think the glyph or rare nodes would be good candidates for further changing how skills behave. It would really change up what people need to sacrifice to leverage their board to suit their build.

Another alternative would be to let me salvage a unique to slot its unique property into my paragon board and allow my nearby board investments to power it beyond what the base item would be able to give me. Though, this would tread dangerously close to what Kanai’s cube would be doing too…

imo game needs content that provides longevity in terms of power progression. Doesnt have to be an infinite system, just something that gives players that feeling where the more we play the more stronger we get, that feeling of accomplishment within each gaming session.

D4 is trying to please both casuals and no-lifers, so nothing ever feels too casual or nothing ever feels like its meant for no-lifers to enjoy. And I feel like thats what’s ruining the game, cant please everyone, have to choose a side.

THIS. So much this!! I don’t understand why they didn’t make the campaign repeatable this time around, like every other Diablo game…

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Anything’s fine. The takeaway is that they may know and okay with the lifecycle of seasonal model in aRPGs where the majority of players only spend a couple of weeks at the start then dropout.

Midpatches and things like AoZ and the Gauntlet may be their way to improve player retention.

Why does it have to be power progression though? What about more varied contents, e.g.:

  • PvP
  • Gauntlet
  • Raid
  • Endless dungeon

Each of them may need specific builds so players want to spend time perfecting their char for each.

I know noone who plays any aRPG for a while and like time before endgame. I feel the same, its probably bcs every gear you can find at that time is useless in endgame so your time in journey has 0 effect and doesn´t matter… It just can be fun, and it isn´t if you doing it for 10 times.

I would love if someone has idea how to change it, but till than… yeah focus on endame guys.

I agree 100%. Blizzard could finally make a great game again if they didnt have this toxic complaining community to confuse them. Its really the players fault actually for leading the devs down the wrong path.

Thank god the Poe players dont do this and tell GGG exactly how to make a good game. Those devs dont do anything compared to blizzard devs, they just turn their brains off and get paid. Blizzard devs have to actually come up with great ideas in spite of the d4 community.


But this requires effort and to spend money. Blizzard is only worried about making money,

Jlizzard is Dead from the neck up.


If you disagree, then you’re such an eccentric person that you believe a person should consider their “journey” over after getting buff, for example.

You would be like, “Yo, dude. You’re done, bro. You’re jacked enough; you got enough muscles now. Stop working out forever; you’re good to go. And also, make sure you don’t do any activities that require a strong physique so that you don’t enjoy any aspect of your newly acquired strength at peak form.”

Bro, you are living on a f**king different planet. Like, who are you? Can’t stand people like you. Use your brain, maybe.

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“If you disagree with me on a game feature you’re xxx”
Calm your tities.

I’m not even saying there shouldn’t be anything to do after reaching 100 and that should be the end.
Just that it shouldn’t start there. It’s not Counter Strike…

This is what I said we should be careful about, because it could devolve into D3 with its “couple of hours to reach 100”. Then we’d ask instant 100 at season start.

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I’d still be playing if they did. Was a terrible, terrible choice on their end.