D4 in a nutshell

→ create a huge handcrafted open world with amazing, stunning graphics, beatiful beaches and coasts, swamps, snowy mountains, dunes, ruins and castles, colorful mineral fields and overall the most impressive open world in this genre ever created
→ force players to play only in one arena room and short dark tunnels
→ profit??


Don’t forget that if you do happen to find yourself playing in the over world the palette must be red washed.

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le sigh
All I could think during the Season 5 reveal was how incredible the overworld is and how they keep sticking us in smaller and smaller rooms.
The Season 5 hook is like the old ‘defeat waves of monsters to see what Greater Rift key you get!’ from D3. No one enjoyed that.

Yeah, I am honestly so tired of it. I play on console on a big TV and the world looks so so good. It is truly sad to see it abandoned. At this point they could remove the whole world and no one would even notice.

I really wish we will get any reason to play outside helltides. They could add some I don’t know, super rare red goblins which drop only GA items, buff the silent chests or add some black shrine - when you touch it, the whole area of Kehjistan or Fractured Peaks is now a level 200 area, just like the profane mindcage.

Do you mean “outsourced world modeling that blockes horse movement almost all the time”?

Als seriously, the beautiful open world is not wasted. You have seen it in the campaign and don’t need to see them every day.

For those who think the expansion will be good, think twice. They’ve been hyping up D4 months before release and it was terrible at launch. Now for this expansion there is crickets and no hype around it if that doesn’t tell you something is off then idk what to tell you.

I haven’t experienced the horse bug myself, it probably works better on consoles.

I have seen it, sure, but it’s imo the best part of Diablo 4. D3 did rifts and arenas better, D2 did everything better but not the open world.

I totally agree that they should reuse the open world instead of the dungeons in the Pit, if possible.