So I was just reviewing the events for the anniversaries of D4 and Immortal and I have to say, the D4 event seems quite lacking compared to Immortal. Its things like this that make players think that D4 is not really cared about when a ton of more effort is put into t6he mobile game versus the flagship game of the IP. Here is the link for you guys to check out what I mean: Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
I thought the same thing why is their mobile gaming getting 100x the stuff over D4
Maybe because the pay to win whales spend a lot of money in D($).
No doubt D:I is more profitable. So how do we capitalize on that? Offer a very enticing event to get people back into the game and possibly spend more money. They could give away 1000x more stuff in D:I and I still wouldn’t play it.
I am with you I tried DI but set it down and will never look at it again no matter what they release on it
This time you and I actually agree.
I stopped playing D($) because I had to always wait on others to join me so I could finish something.
Only way I would play it now is if I was paid to do so. I actually enjoyed the gameplay, but with most F2P games, you hit a paywall. I got to that point and I stopped playing. I gave it a fair shake though.
The game play was great and the game was very appealing. To bad they butchered the hell outta it with P2W.
I enjoyed (D$) to a point, like I said I did not care for having to wait on others. The game does have some good features. I would never spend money on D4 cosmetics but I might for a new class pack. Not sure how others feel but I am looking forward to the VoH expansion.
Diablo immortal is made by a different company netease and only has mobile to deal with.
D4 has to worry about pc and console approval for everything.
I don’t think that has anything to do with it.
I mean… D4 just had it’s biggest content drop ever with the 1.4 patch lol. I’d rather they put their resources towards the main game and not waste time on limited time events.
This is most likely the correct explanation. Build certification for a quick event seems unjustified when they already have other patch content in the pipeline.
They more than likely decided to do something quick and server side via hotfix for this. I’m sure they have a future patch with perhaps more content in mind in a month or so. And they’ll likely start talking more about Vessel of Hatred in the next two months.
the d4 event should be a ongoing event more then anything! the lack of gold is laughable
a real event would be combining the treasure goblin and the butcher together and making it a world boss or something
Look up Immortal revenue. Look at Diablo 4 revenue. Do not use marketing sites that are afraid to offend their audience, use business sites and leaked information.
Also, look at Asia gaming revenue versus Western; East Asia nearly doubles Western. Figure out why this is relevant and it’ll be pretty obvious. Western is secondary to Asia for gaming.
Star Wars
Box Office Revenue (Inflation Adjusted): Approximately $10 billion
Merchandising Revenue (Inflation Adjusted): Approximately $50 billion
Next time just don’t even release movies right?
There is no “event” for d4. It’s only double goblins and xp/gold buff for a few days. Usefull to levels alts but not much else.
Um… we have that, it’s called Avarice.
Granted I wouldn’t mind more world bosses, but just saying.
D:I is also on PC
Asia also has nearly 8 times the population of North America… Which helps bring the revenue comparison in context.