Cry of Ashava Owners Club

Just post if you obtained it.


Mmmmm… I don’t wana! You can’t make me!

Haha this post is gonna make the whiners angry


Just came to say we’re not special.



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Looks like most ppl got this trophy at the end after following the guilds… Lucky for me, downed Ashava on my 3rd attempt😉

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no we are not but we are also proof that the world boss can be beaten unlike the nay sayers who would have people believe it is unbeatable


Just killed her. After getting her down to about 20% on my last attempt on World Tier 2, I dropped down to Tier 1 and she wasn’t much of a problem.

well to be fair, you definately should make another topic for all who didnt make it in about 5 minutes.

Im just kidding obviously, if anyone wonders.

It isn’t unbeatable, its just massively stupidly overtuned and then on top of that there is a level penalty going on, a bunch of idiots who refuse to engage in the mechanics, and I’m fairly certain he’s moving faster than previous beta for some animations switches.

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Ashava down with 9 minutes to spare

Got mine on 2nd spawn!

Was there for 6 attempts. Got 5 kills. 3 on WT1 and 2 on WT2.

6 attempts on WT1 and only failed the very first server spawn at 9 AM. It was understandable as the 1st one didn’t have folks geared and people were even showing up under leveled. After that, it was pretty much a breeze.

< got it, failed it my first time then realized hmmmm… maybe i should not expect to be carried in blues so i actually played the game for 2 hours to get full yellows/ 2-3 leggos and changed my build to more of a single target and BOOM what do you know!!! i killed it!!! majority of the people crying are the ones who want a participation trophy for spending 40min to lvl then walk over and get carried for a mount. So glad blizzard decided to make it a small challenge to kill and not just lvl to 20.


first attempt… complely hammered and tierd… 6 min left with no deaths…
if you know the mechanics she is easy AF…


2 attempts, 2 kills. Easy :sunglasses:

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yep got it in 1 try 1 min left :slight_smile:

Ditto. We’re not THAT special. Was going to try to help carry others but didn’t have the time.

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More dots

and yes gotit without any issue