Cross play still disabled

Cross play is still not working and I don’t even see the sticky topic that mentioned it and said we would get an update.

Has blizzard gone silent on the topic and now the entire season will not have cross play? I guess we have to skip this season now.

Can we please get an official update???


Tried to play with a friend last night. When you mouse over the “invite to party” button, it pops up telling you that players on different versions cannot play together. Deploying new version to console requires hoops to jump through, exercises to perform and babies to sacrifice on an altar. That’s more than likely what’s holding cross play up.


I think you are right. They discovered some last minute bug with the season and had to either delay the season or disabled cross platform capabilities.

This could mean it won’t be working until Friday or maybe next week :confused:

It would be nice if Blizzard could state that in a message. If it is an process to get an update pushed out, they should detail that process and tell people where they are at and when they expect it to be available.


I suspect it’s a calculated reason. It likely costs less to piss off their crossplay playerbase than to throw their console partners under the bus. Might be more of a professional courtesy. I know I’ve taken the fall for my share of clients.

yeah I noticed the sticky is missing as well. Cross play is a very important feature to me and my friends. without crossplay there’s really not much reason for me to even continue to give time to this game. we’ll go back to playing older games that work for cross play.

playing together on a console wasn’t much better. me and a friend tried to play on a console together, PS5. And it was so buggy that after about 40 minutes we decided to quit because it was factually unplayable. The final straw was when we got stuck in a cellar and couldn’t teleport out via the map or quick teleport or even the exit. absolutely disappointed.
edit: well, solved that problem. good job. o/

Hopefully we at least get an update on when this is expected to be fixed… I had planned to play tonight but without any idea when cross platform play will be enabled again it’s hard to say. The season looks really cool too.


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I knew I shouldn’t get this fkn xbox… controls are kinda lame too :face_exhaling:

Sounds like it’s fixed now.

Mine still isn’t working after the update

crossplay has been causing so many issues im down to get rid of it completely.

if you have a friend group they should all get the game on the same platform. ez :slight_smile:

You have to have crossplay enabled to play with Steam friends from BN PC. This is ludicrous.