Crone staff dropping like crazy

Anyone experiencing an increase with the drop of this thing? first and only one I got was 20 levels ago and now I found 6 in the past 24 hours. RNG just that crazy?

I finally got one last night. So I mean I guess so. But I got another Vasilys too which makes that I think my 8th or 9th i can’t keep track anymore. And another bear chest too. Still no tempest roar or barrier legs.

The game really wants me to play bear though.

found my 7th crone since I posted this. I’ve got a few multiples of the other pieces as well. Still no barrier leggings but from what I understand they are not great in the long run anyways. May very well be RNG but 3 of these came from end of dungeon reward recently.

RNG is just crazy.
The last one I found is like ~30 Levels ago. Could need a new, top-tier one :thinking:

Yet to see.

3x shift ring
2x thorns chest
2x werewolf form chest
2x boots
1x gibbous
1x werebear helm

Still no storm helm or crone staff or werebear chest so nothing to complete any builds xP

I wish. I’m still using my 744 ilvl version.

But Vasily? I have those for days.

Wish I had that luck, been going almost a week without any kind of upgrade or sidegrade and I’m tired of running a pulverize build. Waiting for overpower procs is annoying.

Well I hope y’all get one. I just thought it was strange for my rarest druid unique to become my most common in the last day. Maybe today others will find that its become common. Otherwise I’ll just have to accept that RNG is ridiculous. I will add that these drops happened after the fact I changed my spec to using claw for a short while. still dropping without it learned though.

Where do you guys get most of your uniques?
Helltides, NM Dungeon or normal dungeon?

Spamming NM dungeons.

Mine has been random. Probably the most from running NMs, but I’ve gotten quite a few in the open world from random mobs in cellars or random chests.

Same boat here. No storm helm or crone staff. I have a low werebear chest at least to go with the half dozen Werebear helms the game keeps churning out for me, instead of a dang Storm one. I just want to try something OTHER than Pulverize…

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Yeah I went with a gibbous werewolf chest build I seen on YouTube but I’m missing some of the legendary aspects so it’s not killing as fast but it’s not pulverizer bear so there’s that…

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I’m just pretty well optimized for Pulverize so I’m sticking with it. I just want to try out one of the other build-defining uniques but the game simply refuses to cough one up for me. So sick of the werebear helm…

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Nightmare dungeons easily. More than half came from end of dungeon reward. Not sure if I ever got a unique from a helltide. 1 from a boss. Think I’ve got 1 from cellar spamming.

I wanted to try an optimized shred build, and I actually got a waxing gibbous to drop but it was right before I unlocked tier 4 so it has a much weaker item power than my current weapon options.

Have an 85 druid in eternal and am up to 83 druid on season without ever seeing a Crone staff drop. Run NM dungeons nonstop. Very frustrating.

idk man didn’t get a single crone staff until lvl 91 then i got two in the same hour yesterday.
weird rng is weird

I’m level 96, never saw a single staff or Tempest Roar… GG Blizzard