Crashes,freezes,tearings bla bla

I’ve been playing the game for a week. I don’t think there is a problem with my computer and internet connection. I will share with you the problems I encountered in 1 week and the increasing problems that will be solved day by day.

-I am constantly experiencing freezes wherever I am in the game (tower and hell zone more). There are more problems when crossplay is active. Even if it decreases a little when you close it, it still continues.

-There is a lot of screen tearing. I tried everything I could try. V-sync on or off. I’ve tried all of the foreground or background fps cap arguments. My CPU, GPU and temp are normal. But thousands of people have this problem.

-I can never close the game in ESC>Close Diablo. If I try this way, the computer or the game crashes. I have to use the task manager. Also opening the inventory or the paragon-skill tree is a big problem because it freezes or crashes.

-I want to say another very funny mistake :smiley: When you level up in the game, the light effect around our character causes a crash and the game closes or the screen freezes :smiley:

Finally, I wonder if blizzard knows about these problems thousands of players are experiencing? And when do they intend to explain for all this? The game needs extensive maintenance. And if it goes into maintenance right now, I can wait a week for it.