I have begun to notice a pattern in crash to desktops for me.
This doesn’t cover every instance of my crash to desktops, but this does occur, annoyingly, quite frequently, most recently it occurred immediately.
After starting a nightmare dungeon, opening map, game crashes.
The exact sequence of my last login was as follows:
Entered game.
Opened inventory, opened consumables tab, sorted consumables tab.
Picked first nightmare sigil and stared the nightmare dungeon.
Hit M to open map.
Map opens.
Crash to desktop.
The last little bit:
Picked nightmare sigil and start nightmare dungeon.
Hit M to open map.
Map opens.
Crash to desktop.
This part happens ALOT.
Since noticing this repeating pattern, I am going to start to track how many in a row before it crashes, however this time it was exactly 1.
Will edit with more information as I track additional crashes.