Cow level theory

Well what if I told you there is concrete proof of lorath in the campaign quest line being a fake demonic clone?

It would then mean, the real lorath is held up with the last bastions of humans.

We don’t know what to do, but there is a grey lock above Sepulcher of the forsworn. If you look closely the lock appears to be part of a zone we cannot access rather than being part of the sepulcher dungeon.

It’s important to note this lock is on the map for every player. Completionist and new players alike. I have yet to see a screenshot with the lock above sepulcher of the forsworn cleared.

I’m guessing lorath is held up in a zone like that. Something we need to know how to activate or something that can only be activated during campaign/side quest.

My going theory is we take a portal of some sort and end up inside the “walls” of the zones.

Maybe Nyrelle was aware of lorath being a demon toward the end of campaign. Maybe Nyrelle is hunting for the real lorath.

Did that rare elite that doesn’t attack players, with the flaming fists, standing by the mysterious tunnel blocked by a raging inferno ever lead anywhere? even just lore wise?

Not to my knowledge but template leads somewhere if you look in the right place.

Have you actually found the cow level and are leading cryptic clues or something?

Also why would they take down posts about cow level solution?

Seems like a cowspiracy to me.


All I gotta do to get this pulled down is elaborate about what I mean when I say template or lorath having a clone.

If I go into further detail I’m100% sure it comes down.

As it is now, all I’ve done is tell you a theory. If I show you the proof of the theory the ToS will have cause to have this thread removed.

This guy just can’t help himself can he.


Helps that I wrote it

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“Cow” lvl is map from Starcraft 2 and you are fighting zerg and protoss there. I know it but I can´t provide any proofs. Also if you send me some money I tell you how to enter.

Contact me via mail at


Domain expansion : world of the brainless

I know I know you are either genius or persian prince who need to cover some minor expenses to unfreeze wealth so he can share it with rest of us. You guys from indians call centers are always this good.

Sadly it looks like we are all so dumb noone is interested in this amazing knowledge. Try a few more topics, but I would not give a lot of hope in that.

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Thats cute! You are cutie.

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Thanks mate :heart_eyes:


It’s Moosiah to you.


No it is not. Maybe something like Ishaan Kapoor, but that´s it.

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Omg what an amazing actor. I’m not even from that part of the world and I know about him.

Really? :smiley: I just google common names and surenames and fuse two of them together…

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Also just because I told you the book name doesn’t mean you’ll figure anything out. It isn’t that simple. It’s way more complex and we have to figure out how to contact the real lorath. The book I showed you is the end of the chain, not the start.

Don´t worry, I didn´t even notice some name of some book, I could not care less about hidden lvl in this pathetic excuse for game :smiley:

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It wouldn’t matter if you did notice. The endeavor requires a specific base floor of intellect.

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In that case, why you feel the need to inform that hint is not enough? If my insufficient intelect can´t solve that anyway? :stuck_out_tongue: