Couple QOL I would like to see

2 little things I would love to see implemented.

  1. I wish there was an option to dump all the glyph xp into the chosen glyph at the end of a nightmare dungeon, instead of clicking for each level 21 times. Especially when you do high level NMD and u can level it like 10 times in one run. It’s just a bit annoying clicking and waiting for the bar to fill each times. If there was a button to dump all exp into the chosen glyph or Shift+click and make it fill up each bar quickly without having to click each level that would be nice.

  2. This might be very niche but I would love to be able to cancel an active elixer/shrine effect if you don’t want it anymore. There have been several times I am trying to see if stat changes when trying a new piece of gear out, but you have an elixer that gives stats and you can’t really tell if the new gear would keep u armor capped, resist capped or other various scenerios you just don’t want the buff.

Same with shrine effects, especially conduit. Plenty of times I have been in helltides and quickly click a shrine and get thrown into conduit form and I am significantly slowed because you cant dash or mount. I would like to be able to remove a shrine buff. Alternatively if in conduit form if space was a dash that you didn’t need a target to perform a dash that could go a long way.

I know these are relaly small complains but like I said it’s just a couple QOL changes that I personally would love to see.


Target the glyph and right click.


His mind when he realizes he could have been doing this the whole time :exploding_head:


I knew this. Of course I knew this. I haven’t been doing this with a million clicks, since launch, like an idiot. I haven’t!

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TIL… well better late then never.

Blizzard went back in time and implemented my change! Praise Diablo!